Friday, September 4, 2015

Goodbye, my friend

I stayed in bed late, then got up to turn on the router and laptop. I drank a quart of water, and exercised to audios. I heard that we get more stimulation in one week from internet and TV than early man got in his whole life time. I put away the cleaned and dryed decorator parts. I read and deleted e-mail. I rubbed frankincense oil on my mole. I put lavender oil on the itchy spot on my head. I juiced and meditated, then made breakfast. Steven called and I put him on speakerphone while I finished making breakfast and then ate it. We talked about the problem of getting the old embroidery software to run either on Kurt's old laptop, or one of our newer computers. He sent me a game he wrote over skype. I took a shower then downloaded it. I did screen-sharing as I tried to play it. He said it was like Minecraft. I have never played Minecraft so I don't know, but shooting bad guys is not really my thing. So I said if he wrote something like Tetris I would try it. And I don't see why he couldn't, since his game used perspective and 360 vision and all the stuff it would take to do Tetris or Welltris. By then it was 2, and I had to get busy. I checked the mail, and watered the plants and brought down the old hammocks covering the now-dead plants inside cages. I downloaded files to Jen's really cute penguin thumb drive. I read a tapping article and tapped on what came up. I filled a water bottle then went to my massage. I told her that I found the magnets that had been lost. She did a great job, especially the work on my face and forehead. We decided to do stomach work next week. When I got home, I checked the mail again, and found a bill. I e-mailed it to Chris. I called Denise and left a message. I ate an egg before she called back. She said something about going out to eat but her husband wanted to stay and pack. She agreed to accept piece of watermelon cake. I put a slice in a plastic container and went over. Traffic at the senior center was all back up. But once I got through that, it was clear sailing. When I got there, she ate the watermelon and we packed kitchen stuff. We also touched up wall paint and trim paint and washed some streaks on windows. She gave me some food from her fridge. Then we bid each other goodbye. I hated to see her move, but I won't be here long myself. On the way home, I saw fireworks on the way, likely from the senior center. When I got home, I checked skype and saw that Chris had texted me early. I wrote back, and when he did not answer, I watched an episode of X-Files. Then I fed Lacto and Bacilis and the new kefir grain which I haven't named yet. Chris still wasn't on, so I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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