Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Making progress

I was programming my mind for the day when the alarm went off. From the moment I got out of bed I could tell that my back was not happy. But I couldn't think of anything I had done to it. It seemed to say “If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.” I drank several glasses of salt water. I turned on the router and laptop. I swished. I checked e-mail. I tried to answer a question from a lady in Yongsan about the Yongsan Quilters group, but found that I had been 'dismembered'. (There must be a better word but I can't think of it now). I looked up the price of external floppy drives on Amazon, surprized to find out that they still sell them and they are USB. I read an article by Nick Ortner. I exercised as best I could while listening to Brian Johnson. I drank coconut water while taking notes for my blog. I got dressed and put on my new shoes to take Netflix out to the mail box. The shoes were surprisingly uncomfortable. The only way I could account for it was that the clerk must have tightened the laces differently than I did. So I tighened them differently and they were more comfortable after that. I juiced squash and forgot to clean up. I headed out to quilting. I talked with the usual people, and told them that next week would be my last week. On the way home, I went to the Asian store for kimbap and kimchi. I ate it when I got home. I skimmed the cheese and gave fresh milk to the kefir grains. I put what was left in a jar and washed the last goat milk jar. I put it in the insulated tote for the farmer's market. Then I called Linda at the church to ask about the fund for the dinner. She warned me that the system files were missing but I could come take a look anyway. So I did. First the intern computer and then the office computer. I tried the new version of the software and then went to the old version of the software. But the files seemed to be gone. The envelop numbers were not assigned to anyone and recent members were not accounted for. I looked for a restore point, but there wasn't one on that computer. Oh well. I shut the computers down and came home. I made a list of things on the donation pile that could be Freecycled. I looked through the tornado room for items that could be donated. Then it was time for the farmer's market. It rained while I was there, but only when I was standing at a stall with some protection. I bought goat milk first, having the man pour the milk in the jar I brought because I will not be able to return his jars. Then I got three bunches of lettuce from the hydroponic farm. I went to the meat stand and talked to them, explaining how I cooked the spleen and what it took to make it edible. I bought tomatoes and zucchini at another stand and peppers at a fourth stand. Then I bought some tea mix from the place on the end. The sample I had gotten months ago was so good, but I could not remember which one it was, so I got two. Then I shouldered my insulated cart, and walked back to my car. It was heavy and my back protested some. On the way home, my rear windshield wiper activated. I don't know why and I could not stop it. Since it was not raining on the way home, the window got dry and it squeaked. When I parked in the carport, I got out the manual, but it was no help. It claimed that position 7 of the wiper arm would activate it, but the picture did not make clear what that was. I brought the food in and put it away. Then I made breakfast and ate while listening to David Perlmutter talk about gut health affecting the brain. I went into the basement to get flattened boxes. As it turns out, they were flattened and taped that way to hold large paper items, like posters. I condensed two down to one and made the other into a 3-D box. I went through boxes in the corner of the basement to clear space for amassing things that should go in storage. I found all of Michele's baby blankets, some crocheted by her grandmothers. And her school book, report cards, Girl Scout sashes and patches, etc. Sigh. She won't want them. MaryAnn skyped me and we talked for some time. Then I went back down to open more boxes. The bottom box in the corner held replacement couch cushions. And when I pulled it out, the corner of the wall and the box were black. Was it mold, mildew or camel cricket dung? I carefully moved the box to the garage, not letting that corner touch anything. It was a good box otherwise and I wanted to keep it, but did not want any of my stuff contaminated, and that would not be appropriate to donate either. I went up to see if Chris had skyped. He hadn't but I cleared a few e-mails and started a new Swansons order since they had a one-day deal on free shipping and 20% off. He said things were crazy over there because congress does not understand that October 1 comes early over there and the people need to know soon if they are allowed to work tomorrow. After the call, I finished my Swanson's order and posted to my blog. I put an apple by the bed in case I need to take my meds (with food) in the morning. I rubbed magnesium oil on my back and took a magnesium supplement. I hope to be better in the morning.
* My new shoes - pretty tame compared to the other shoes in the store *

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