Sunday, September 20, 2015

Counting and packing

I was already awake and programming my mind for the day when the alarm went off. I stayed in bed to finish. Then I got up and swished. I did not take notes so I may not be able to remember all that happened, or in what order. I practiced my trombone. I checked e-mail. I emptied the dishwasher. I took a shower and ate breakfast. I got dressed and took my grocery bags to the car. When I got to church, Mr. Montgomery was coming in at the same time and we spoke. Then Jennifer gave me a vial of essential oil beadlets and we agreed to meet after the service. Mr. Cox greeted me as I sat down. He was pleased to see that I hadn't left for Korea yet (after missing service last Sunday). The children's choir sang, and the praise choir sang. Cecelia did all the canting and it sounded so good. After the service, I helped Art count the loose cash. He said the 8am service offering wasn't there. Then I talked to Mary the organist and we agreed to meet at 3:30 to practice for next Sunday. I met Jennifer and we settled accounts for coconut oil, eggs, and beadlets. There was a 20th anniversary celebration for our pastor. After the speech, I thanked him for his service. I tracked down the person who put up the 8am offering and she showed me where she had put it. I asked Art if he found it, and he said no. I went to Publix for groceries. I told them about the two rotten coconuts I had purchased over the summer. When I got home, I changed my clothes and listened to a video of Stevie Wonder in a car with some other guy. I hardboiled eggs. I made lunch and ate it and almost forgot to leave on time. I had to come back for my trombone. When I got to church, Art seemed distracted. But he had the offering from the 8am service, with no explanation. We had multiple piles of cash and checks from the rally day baskets last Sunday and the anniversary lunch for our pastor, and donations to cover the cost of the Lutheran magazine. So much so, that it took until 4 for me to get it all on paper, and I was late meeting Mary in the sanctuary. We practiced for next Sunday and came up with a plan to make it last at least 5 minutes. Then we chatted for awhile. Then I had to get home to pack. I went through my check list, putting some things on the bed, and the smaller stuff in our biggest suitcase. I looked through the stuff Chris brought back from Honduras. I selected some things. I found a broom that could go and a folding chair (since normal chairs are too big for me). I shook my head over other things. I found a jar of paint that I thought could be used for touch-up around here (with a little tweaking). But I could not find any craft paints to amend the color. I went through more of the linen closet, selecting another mattress cover for donation. I ate a peach, and some dates. I put stored pillows in the dryer to make sure nothing was growing in them before I packed them. I checked e-mail and saw that Chris might not be able to skype me tonight. :( I wrote to Jen and to Reet and to the pastor. I watched a Netflix Dvd called “The one hundred foot journey”. It was surprisingly good. And very long. I posted to my blog and went to bed late.
* Here is another quilt from show-n-tell at the guild. *

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