Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I totally forgot

I woke up to the alarm but stayed in bed to repeat some affirmations about letting moving be easy. I swished while mixing up more hair cream (coconut oil with essential oils mixed in). I had used up most of it yesterday and slept with it in my hair overnight. I practiced my trombone. I exercised and drybrushed and made coffee. I listened to an audio so interesting that I played it twice. It was a doctor specializing in dermatology talking about food and substances to avoid, including sunscreen and lipbalm. He advocated a stool test for food sensitivities which can cause blemishes and rashes. He has a charity for kids in Nepal and said they have no personal care products except sometimes soap, and they do not have cancer and skin problems like we do. Yikes. About noon I went outside to sunbathe. I put whey on my hair and skimmed the cheese for today, giving fresh milk to the bacterial colonies. I took a shower and washed my hair. I played parts of the audio again, plus others, while I cleaned out the linen closet, separating what will go in storage from what will go to Korea. We have more towels and blankets than most homeless shelters, so I put some aside to donate. Then I found the gift section. It was full of gift bags, tissue paper, wrapping paper, and small items for gifts that I totally forgot I had – mostly from Korea and Japan. The things that I remember were for specific people I put aside, but agonized over what to do with the rest. Some of it went to the donate pile as well. I brought in the stepstool from the back patio. I brought in the mail, over half going directly to the recycle pile. I cleared some more e-mail. Then I went outside to trim grass and weeds in one of the flower beds and water the plants. I checked e-mail and listened to a short audio. Then it was time for choir. When I got there, Jennifer had a bag for me with a tomato and some goji berries in it from the plant that I had given her. Shannon sat beside me as usual. She said a friend of hers turned 50 and she thought he was old enough to be her father. (That makes me old enough to be her mother). There was nothing remarkable about the practice. Afterward I thanked Jennifer for the tomato, and talked to Mary about Sunday morning. When I got home, I practiced my trombone again. I finished writing a letter to my foster child. I tried to shop for a mattress pad on Amazon, but couldn't find an all-cotton one. Most were labeled waterproof but I wanted one that did not have latex or polyester or whatever made it waterproof. I tried to read e-mail but the internet connection kept breaking, hopefully they are working on it. I watched the Netflix movie Little Big Soldier. I don't remember putting that in my queue. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* another quilt from show-n-tell *

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