Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cheese Happens

I got up before 8, after doing some mental programming. I tweezed my eyebrows and did a facial scrub. I skimmed the cheese from the kefir and gave it fresh milk. (It wasn't ready last night. The fermentation has slowed down for cooler weather). I checked e-mail. I looked for the phone number for the transportation dept at the arsenal and did not find it. I looked through the Arsenal phonebook, nope, and then the baggage orders – nope. I exercised, and took my vit C. I made copies of row by row patterns to take, and went to quilting. I gave Jane the copies because she makes master copies before putting them out for the group. Also, I heard she is making an all-Texas quilt and needed more Texas patterns. I showed Anita and Beverly what I had to trade, but they did not bring their collections today. But they will next week. After I left, I stopped by post to ask transportation which company was shipping our unaccompanied baggage. I wanted to negotiate for an earlier date so we wouldn't have to wait so long for our winter bedding and clothing. But the contract hadn't been awarded yet. So she asked when I wanted the date moved to, and I said next week on the 22nd. Then she suggested the 25th and said she'd get back to me. I guess she has to get several bids for the same date? Then I went to the gas station, but all the pumps were full. I drove around once, but it did not look like anyone was leaving and I still had half a tank so I just went home. I scanned a pattern for Beverly to give to Anita. I saw the sun was out so I put on my bathing suit, but then it went behind a cloud. It was so fickle today. But I managed a few rays every now and then. I made and ate breakfast. Denise called and we talked for half an hour. Then I got dressed and washed the goat milk bottles. I got to the farmer's market at 2:58 so waited for two minutes and then got out of the car. I went to the goat stand first, and bought a gallon of milk. He said they were having an essay contest to give away the farm. I was shocked. But he said they had tried to sell it, and want to go into the mission field. He also mentioned that they use rennet to make the cheese. I said I did not use it so I guess I don't make cheese, I just 'allow' the cheese to happen. Then I got some hydroponic lettuce, and visited with the Wagyu beef lady. She said they had started milking the cows and making butter by shaking it in jars while watching TV. When I got home, I checked the mail box. One piece was for our neighbor so I walked it over to his box. I brought the food inside and put all but the tomatoes in the fridge. Denise's cat has ringworm, so I looked up essential oils for that. I ate a peach, and checked e-mail. Transportation had submitted a request for pick up next week. I made some egg salad with goat cheese, and heated water for tea. I opened the mail, and read about the mortgage lender requiring an almost $500 appraisal fee to cancel our private mortgage insurance. I looked it up on the web. I oiled my face and hair with coconut oil and frankincense and myrrh, and did today's Sudoku puzzle, then continued my research. Steven called, talked for a little while then I went back to the internet. One comment on PMI suggested that banks cannot institute PMI after a loan has been written with a 20% downpayment, even if the tax value has dropped. But that is exactly what our lender did. And now they won't remove it without an appraisal at our expense. It is my understanding that they started charging it based on the change in tax value, so it seems unfair to me to be charged an appraisal fee now that our LTV is 30% or lower. I want to protest, but I don't know where to do it. Imade a salad, and sorted through e-mail while listening to two audios. I made some really strong detoxifying tea, then changed the AC air filter. I got an e-mail from Netflix. The streaming attribute of our account expires soon, so I looked for something to watch. I picked the sequel to Dirty Dancing but it wasn't very good so I stopped it and started streaming an episode of NCIS. That was much better, and I planned to go to bed, but the next episode started and I got interested. Then it was past time to go to bed. I just needed to check on my pets first.
* This is a row by row quilt that Jane is working on. *


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