Saturday, September 5, 2015

Problems with Skype

I started mental programming a little before 8. Then I got dressed and went out to the car to bring in the items Denise gave me last night. I put some away and read the labels on others. I read and deleted e-mail. I started drinking my quart of water. I used frankincense and a laser light on my mole, and various creams. I swished, exercised, and juiced. I listened to a Rampage (of Esther Hicks) on Youtube. I sunbathed, and then made breakfast. Dad called. I put him on speakerphone and finished making and eating breakfast. He wanted to get on skype to be sure he could call me in Korea. We worked on it for over an hour. He did not know his skype password and I tried to log in as him and clicked the link to have instructions sent to him, but when he checked his e-mail, there was nothing newer than July. Neither of us could figure out why, so that was a bust. When I tried to log in as me, it would not work. I downloaded an ebook for frankincense oil. The company wanted me to leave a review on Amazon, but I did not know how to rate something I know little about and just started using. I filled a 1 quart measuring cup with coconut oil and transferred it to Jennifer's container to give to her tomorrow. I put the magnets from my massage therapist on acupressure points on my face to see if that did anything. I went downstairs to sew red scraps together while I listened to a previously recorded interview with Wayne Dyer. I was making a bag to submit the pulpit cloth to the quilt show. I got it pieced and then realized it needed a liner or the item would get little threads on it from the seams. So I found a piece of red for that. I got the bag done, and lined, but kept sewing scraps together until the audio finished. Jane called, and I ran upstairs to catch the phone. She had a copy for me. As long as I was upstairs, I made egg salad with the goat cheese. Yum. I ate some onion cabbage soup. I looked for the purple bag for submitting the purple quilt. I searched everywhere and finally decided to go on to the next step, but got sidetracked looking for a new word I had read in an article about Alan Turing. I read lots of articles, but did not come across that word again. I ate two slices of watermelon cake. I checked skype, and it was still having trouble. I looked for an update, and thought about rebooting, but I had too much to lose. I skyped with Steven and then brought Chris into the call when he got online. The three of us talked through the process of getting the embroidery files from the floppy discs to the thumb drive. But we could not get the files off the floppy discs. When I tried to access the drive, the computer gave an exception error and crashed, repeatedly. Finally Steven called it a night. Chris and I spoke a little longer and then he got a phone call and had to go. I looked up how to uninstall and reinstall skype. But it was complicated what with the backing up files and all. So I watched X-Files on my laptop. They had the Brady Bunch on. Then I posted to my blog, fed my bacterial colonies, and went to bed.
* This is one side of the bag. *

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