Thursday, September 3, 2015

'Leafing' for Korea

I got up before the alarm. I took a shower, then turned on the router and laptop. I deleted the first round of e-mail. I washed the cake decorator and tips. I whipped up some coconut cream. I added lo han, and honey to sweeten it. But it just wasn't stiff enough, so I put in the rest of my coconut flour. The cream had hard pieces in it which I think were clods of coconut oil that hardened in the fridge. I tried to strain them out but it just did not work. I put it back in the fridge. I took out Netflix and recyclables and the trash. I skimmed the cheese off of the whey. I loaded the decorator with the cold cream and decorated the 'cake' as best I could, then put it back in the fridge and cleaned up. I ate the unused portion of coconut cream. I exercised. I made breakfast and it was terrible. The only new thing I put in it was the haritaki that came yesterday. I may have to put it in capsules. Blech!
I took Kurt's quilt and some fabric out to the car. I got the mail and there was the adapter for the dongle. I drove to quilting. They presented me with a bag of blocks they had made featuring purple and leaf themes. They laid them out on the pingpong table to see. Susan took multiple pics and posted one on the Facebook site (I'm glad I wore a bra today). When its done, I think I will call it "Leafing for Korea" because that's why they made me the blocks. Then I sat and talked to Leslie for the rest of the time. I tried to work on Kurt's quilt but decided that it really needed a new back, and I wasn't certain how to do that. I left about 2:30. When I got home, I watered the plants and mowed the lawn with the riding mower. Then I took a break to drink water and check e-mail. Denise called. She and her husband were packing the last of their things onto the trailer, leaving Saturday. God bless them. I checked e-mail, then went outside to trim the lawn with the push mower. Jen sent me a link to listen to a section of an audio with a glass of water. It did not taste any different afterward, but some people said it did. I saw a vine climbing up the window outside. When I ripped it down, I was covered in ants. So I put out some bait. I put some water on the stove to boil. I cracked an egg to put in a small dish so I could poach it, but the egg was already hard boiled. So I ate two of them. I also ate some fermented cabbage. Wayne Dyer kindle books were on sale for $2, so I put some on my tablet for the flight to Korea. I mixed a different can of coconut cream (this one got much harder) with powdered raw cacao and lo han and ground pecans. I ate it with frozen raspberries. Yum! I read up on Alan Turing and the Turing Test. I put on a supposedly live seminar and went downstairs to listen as I sewed red scraps together to make a bag to submit the red banner to the quilt show. Chris skyped me just as it started. We talked, but not long. There were maintenance people working in his living room. I rejoined the seminar, but since I was able to pause it, it could not have been live. But I let it play while I sewed. Finally it was 10:45 and I shut it down because it had turned into a sales pitch. I came up stairs to post to my blog and fed my pets. I expect to go to bed then.

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