Friday, September 18, 2015

Weaning myself off of the computer

I woke up early this morning and put on my eyeshades to block the growing light. I was doing mental programming when the alarm rang. I got up and decided I would get a lot more done if I did not turn on the computer today. I went to the car to get the quilt labels out of the sewing box. I practiced my trombone. I had collected cheese last night, but decided to wait until this morning to give Lacto and Bacilis their daily jar of fresh milk. I did today's Sudoku puzzle. And then I turned on the router and laptop. I read e-mail while savoring a packet of vitamin C. I drank quart of water. I used a new search engine to see if I could get better results. (I did) I exercised while listening to a video by Brian Johnson (Philosopher's Notes). Then I turned on the self-cleaning cycle on the oven. I washed things in the sink. I juiced, but did not meditate,. I vacuumed roach droppings from the lower cabinet. I wrote a note to the head real estate lady about what was not covered in the file that was sent. She replied not to stress and that the junior agent just sent a list of what their cleaning lady does. I swept up webs and dirt from a window that I just cleaned several months ago. I had to turn the oven cleaning off since the clock did not work. Dad called to get Cecily's address. I sunbathed for about 20 minutes. I was washing up when Skype rang. It was Steven calling. But then Jennifer called, from Garden Cove to see if I wanted anything from there. I couldn't think of anything except coconuts. But then she asked what happened to her eggs? I had to look it up on my blog. When I found the answer, I called her back. Then I went to the bank for cash for my massage tomorrow. I soaked a towel before doing laundry. While it soaked, I washed the light colors. I sewed labels on quilts and cases so that three entries are all ready to go. I e-mailed questions to Chris. I decided to pile all the UB shipment items on the guest bed. When I got the mail, there was a letter from Dad. I called to tell him. We were still talking when the washer finished and I put the first load of laundry in the dryer. I did some sorting in carport, and found two unopened boxes. I opened them in the garage. One held cassette tapes. I knew where some others were and tried to match cases with cassettes. Chris skyped early to say he would be out with his Korean girlfriend at our usual skype time. He also said she can't wait to meet me. I took a bunch of the unmarked tapes in the back to listen to on the tape deck. At first I couldn't get it to play, then I realized there were no speakers hooked up. Headphones were the answer. The process went on rather long as I enjoyed some of the music so much that I did not want to stop. But I did sample all of them and threw over half away. Then I sat down to watch episodes of NCIS. In fact, I watched three since this is the last day for the free month of streaming. I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* Here is another quilt from show-n-tell. I can't remember the story behind it. *

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