Sunday, September 27, 2015

My, how they've grown

I woke up before 8. I did my mental programming and still got up early. I skimmed the cheese and put some in a small jar for Elaine. I gave fresh milk to my pets. They have really grown. I read some e-mail while swishing and exercising. I took a shower, and then could not find my razor. When I did find it, it was too dull to shave with. So I got out a new one. Then the handle got soapy and twisted in my hand. I sliced my thigh. I dabbed it every few minutes until it quit bleeding. I made and ate breakfast, watching an interview on proper posture. I got dressed in my custom-made silk dress because it was sleeveless. I practiced my trombone as a warm up. I took it to the car, and went back for the grocery bags. On the way to church, I noticed the back of one earring was missing. When I got to church I took off my earrings and put them in my purse. I asked Ed to carry in my trombone. He gave me a hard time so I gave as good as I got. His wife said not to feel special 'cause he does it to everyone. I set my trombone up on its stand. Then I practiced with the choir. I played the prelude with the organist. It went well. After the service, I verifying the loose cash with Art. I packed up my trombone. I spoke to the pastor, and to the head of Stewardship. Several people asked if this was my last day and I assured them it was not. I put my trombone in the car, and went to get my sewing machine which Heather left for me in one of the sunday school rooms. I put it in the car. I went home to change clothes then went to the grocery store. I put the food away. I put leftover bone broth in a pot and added spleen, and beef bones. My neighbor was cutting down a pecan tree. I spoke to him about the mower. He said he'd haul my big branches away. I had a bite for lunch then went to church to count money with Art. It all added up the first time. Hurray! Then I came home. I cut up two onions and peeled a jicama. I only cut up half of it. I added that to the spleen and let it boil while I mowed the ditches and inside the fence with the push mower. Then I used the riding mower to mow the larger parts of the yard. I did not quite get every spot, but it was sprinkling rain so I came in to have a bowl of spleen stew. I checked e-mail. I listened to a Youtube version of the songs Chris had sung me. I finished an interview from earlier about proper posture. I made up a week's worth of vitamins and refilled the walnut container that I keep in the microwave. I watched installment 4 of Parade's End from Netflix. I looked up the lead female character wondering where I had seen her before. Since I had trouble opening the package of spleen, I sharpened the scissors by cutting up the foil chocolate wrapper. The spleen was kind of like a wet sponge. I wondered how in the world one makes it palatable. I wished there was an Iron Chef episode with spleen. Chris skyped me. I told him about a paper I had found showing a website for tracking Dod moves. After the call, I put the spleen in a stainless steel container in the fridge and left the bones in broth on the stove on very low heat. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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