Saturday, September 12, 2015

We should have done this sooner

My four friends from Augusta showed up about 1am. I don't think I got to bed until three or later. My alarm went off at 8 and I got up to shut it off. I wasn't ready to be up, but I did not go back to bed. The ladies got up and we sat in the den and talked. Celeste picked some coffee to make. I hardboiled eggs and made egg salad with goat cheese. I served it with the loaf of homemade bread. That went over well. We talked for hours. I slipped away to get a quick shower. I put the casserole in the oven. Silvia and Celeste went out to the deck to color Celeste's hair. The casserole was ready but no one else was. I used the salad shooter to cut up carrots, zucchini and cucumbers for a salad. We sat down to have a late lunch. I served goat cheese again, plus cashews, blueberries, etc. I passed out cacao nibs and powdered cacao to taste. We also had the blintzes from Thursday. I gave them a tour of the basement, including the garage. I invited them to take what they wanted from the donation pile. I showed off my quilts from the quilt chest. We talked in the livingroom until the ladies brought in gift bags from the car. As we opened gifts, Silvia asked about the lady who sold the bee balm. They all wanted to go to the farm, so I called and got permission to come. After the gifts (more on that later), we piled in my car to go to the farm. Alison welcomed us and showed us the chicks in the back barn. Then we went into the garage to see the orphaned chicks. They were soooo cute! After much talking there, we went inside to see the soaps and selection of lotions in tins. It was so nice to sniff the different ones. We made our selections and paid. But with all the talking, we must have spent hours there. On the way back (it was dark) we stopped at the Asian store for kimbap and to look around. We got the last three packages. Silvia also picked out some ginger snacks and Celeste got some peanut sauce. When we got home, I put the kimbap on the table. I had kimchi with mine, but the others ate theirs with the peanut sauce. Silvia poured wine for everyone and I said I only wanted a very little. But she kept sneaking more in my glass. It did not take long for the alcohol to hit. I was about ready to pass out since we were so tired. Then Chris was on skype. At first I texted him, then turned the volume down and called him. After the call, we ladies chatted some more. I got out a heating pad for Linda.. I cleared the table, ran the dishwasher and fed the pets. Then I deleted over 100 messages and posted to my blog as the other ladies went to bed.
* Chickens in a tree*

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