Monday, September 21, 2015

Final selections

I woke up with the alarm having gone to bed late. So I stayed in bed to repeat affirmations. When I got up, I practiced my trombone, and turned on the router. I poured the bottle of iodine into another dropper bottle. For some reason, the rubber parts on iodine bottles go bad. By then it was 9. Then I turned on the laptop, and swished while deleting e-mail I would normally read or listen to. I skimmed the cheese from the whey and gave the kefir grains fresh milk. I spent some time deciding which sauce and fry pans to send. The lady from the moving company called while I was exercising. She wanted to do a phone interview about what was going and asked me to guestimate how many medium boxes I needed for clothes and dishes and such. Finally I asked for the dimensions of a medium box, and it was much smaller than I thought. She said she would call me back with the dimensions of the various boxes. So then I went through my list to see if anything was missing from the bedroom where I had stacked it all. I made a list of those items. I finished my exercises. One of my aloes took a leap for freedom. I found it on the floor, no dirt, just like a fish out of water. I replanted it in its pot and watered it well. Then I got dressed and put Netflix in the mail. The lady from the moving company called while I was walking out there. But she seemed ok with the extra items. I juiced and cleaned up. I made breakfast and ate it. I went to quilting and sat with Bertha. We chatted as she worked on her quilt and I worked on Kurt's quilt. Lauri finished the mitered corners on hers and considered ways to make it just a little bigger. I left about 3. When I got home, I ate a nectarine and some kimchi. I put a tool bag in the guest room and looked through suitcases in closets to find my winter clothing but all I found was more summer clothing. Well, what can I expect, living in Alabama? I moved things out the guest room that I did not want the packers taking tomorrow. I laid everything that was to go on the bed. I went down to look in the tool area but the light was burned out. So I replaced the light bulb and added 'step stool' to my list of things to get packed. I found a bag of acrylic paints and tried to mix up a color to match the walls upstairs. But when I used it, it was too bright. Back to the drawing board. I went back to my packing list. I added some clothes, shoes, and the crock pot. I tested both printers in the 'donate' pile to see which one was the working one and they both seemed to be working. So I chose the one with the yardsale tag on it and added it to the pile in the guest room. A man called from the packing company to say they'd be here between 8 and 10, and they estimated I had 500 pounds. I filled a gallon jar with cacao nibs to add to the pile, then emptied the rest of the box of nibs into various containers. I did some new tapping videos. Chris e-mailed me about the cold weather gear he wanted in the shipment tomorrow. I went searching to find it. I added that to the pile. I sat in front of my laptop and sang along with Broadway hits. I ate two duck eggs and some goat cheese. Chris skyped me and we talked for quite awhile. I showed him the pile of stuff on the bed. After the call, I finished the Swanson's order I was putting together. I just needed a few more dollars on my order to get free shipping, and then I needed just a few more to go from 15% off to 20% off. But I got it done, and now I am going to bed so I can get up before the packers come in the morning.

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