Saturday, September 19, 2015

Decisions, decisions

I got up with the alarm. I practiced my trombone, and swished. I read e-mail, and then listened to an audio while exercising. I took a shower. Then I juiced and made breakfast. I made up a week's worth of supplements. I put breakfast in the fridge and went to my massage appointment. I gave her some goat cheese and a hardboiled duck egg. But she said she could not eat the cheese, that it bothered her digestive system last time. So she is going to give it to her son. We talked for a bit about how his health was affecting his grades. Then she gave me a long massage. It felt really good. She even massaged my ear canals. I did not know there was such a thing, but she said they opened up while she was doing it. Good thing she did not include a bladder massage. By the end, I really had to go. Then I went to her office to pay her and we chatted some more. Finally, I left the office, bought some organic blackstrap molasses (supposedly good for gray hair) and got in my car. I looked at my phone to see who had called while I was being rubbed the right way. I did not recognize the number. I stopped at an Asian store on the way home to get a coconut. When I got home, it was sunny out, so I laid in the backyard and ate my breakfast. Then I checked e-mail. Steven skyped me. He wanted me to play a game, but I could not justify the time given all I should be doing. Then I went downstairs to look for one of Margie's blocks. I decided to go ahead and make them all into pillowcases and let her get the yellowing out. But I can only find two of the three. I cleaned up my sewing table but did not find the third. I did find a few things to add to the UB pile, like an iron, and a cutting board, and a shower curtain, and a boombox. I listened to part of an audio on the effects of breathing too much air (indicative of the stress in our society) and did the weekend Sudoku puzzle. I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get stuff together. I chose some fabrics and magazines to go to Korea. I went through the linen closet to see which sheet sets go and which stay, which towels to take. I stacked and ran the dishwasher. One pile of sheets will get donated. I folded laundry. Then Chris skyped me and we talked about what to take. He said he had an iron and ironing board there already. I finished the article, and read a few related ones: a scalloped tongue could indicate hypothyroidism or a nutrient deficiency. I sorted some more sheets. Then it was too late to watch my Netflix movie, so I called up some Disney songs on Youtube and sang along. Time for blog and bed.
* I don't remember who did it, but it was a bom kit from Patches and Stitches. *

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