Tuesday, September 22, 2015

One shipment out of the way

Lying awake last night, I had the thought that living in Huntsville is the dream I don't want to wake up from. I woke up before the alarm, which I had set to ring at 7:30. I printed out 10 copies of Chris' orders to put in the boxes that were to be packed. I got dressed. Not knowing how many boxes it would take, I printed 5 more copies. I threw some long-sleeved shirts onto the pile on the guest bed, then some bags of fabric remnants, and then a roll of batting. I printed out 10 more copies because we'll need them next month if not today. I deleted some e-mail, and picked up a little clutter here and there. The packers arrived about 9:15: a man and a woman. They looked at the pile, and then brought in some boxes and paper. As they packed, I made sure a copy of the orders went into each package. The batting, umbrella, and quilt frame were rolled and wrapped in a utility-type quilt and wound with tape. She gave me papers to sign and some labels to initial – which will go on shipping crates. He carried out most of the boxes and loaded them on the truck. It was a small truck, but I could see how a large truck would break branches off of the magnolia tree, so I made a mental note to trim the tree – as best I could. Then I put on my shoes, grabbed my purse and license plates and went to quilting. I got there at the usual time, surprisingly. I took pics of patterns that someone at the Tuesday group had sewn up. I sat with Joan and Beverly. Some of us ended up talking until after 12. Then I went to the Asian store for kimbap and stopped for gas. I ate some of the kimbap in the car. Then I came home. I ate the rest of the kimbap with kimchi. I checked e-mail, and ate a peach and then some coconut flakes. I skimmed the cheese and put Lacto and Bacilis in fresh milk. I put the rest of the fresh milk in a jar so I could wash the half gallon goat milk jars and take them back to the farmer's market. I put the clean jars in the rolling tote bag. I listened to an audio on the future of doctors. One wrote a book called “The Patient Will See You Now”. I took a quick sunbath. Then I washed up and went to the farmer's market. I got goat milk, and lettuce and romaine. I talked to the beef people, and then bought peppers, tomatoes, and squash. When I got home, I put the food away. I started making breakfast. Chris had sent me a message so I skyped him as he was getting ready for work. I told him I missed a call from Michele and he said I should call her phone. Then I went outside to trim the magnolia tree. I did some, but to do the job right would require a chainsaw and a taller ladder. I moved on to the holly bush and some other trees. Then I raked up the trimmings. I brought out the step stool from the garage, and washed all the webs off of it. I watered my plants. I tried to find article on getting spots out of laundry with hydrogen peroxide. I remembered to call Michele back, and we sang “Shall we dance?” together. After the call, I looked up how to get stains out with hydrogen peroxide or baking soda, or potassium bicarbonate. Chris skyped me and sang me a song. I just love being sung to. I tried to download the pics from camera but the download software would not engage and I could not remember the name of it to make it do so. So I just posted to my blog and went to bed.
* Here is another quilt from show-n-tell. *

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