Friday, January 29, 2016

A Wasted Day

Chris got up early to go out of town for the day. I stayed in bed hoping to stop sweating and fall asleep. I might have at some point. I dreamed about signing someone off post. Finally I checked my watch. It was almost 8 and I wondered why my alarm did not ring. I got up and drank a quart of water. I called Jane but there was no answer. I posted to my blog. I did today's Sudoku puzzle. I put on another interview. I learned that the body needs cholesterol (from fat) to make hormones. Start your day with fat. So I did. After the swishing and exercise, I ate some seed crackers. After a space of time, I made and ate breakfast. I did it because it is part of my routine. I had been having a nagging feeling of nausea, and it got worse. I listened to audios while lying on the couch under a quilt. But I could not get warm. Where were my night sweats when I needed one? I put on my heaviest winter coat. I tried some yoga poses. I drank some hot tea. I colored in the book. But the feeling would not go away and the afternoon was wasted. I had planned on making hummus, chocolates, and seed crackers. But the mere thought of food (even knowing I wasn't going to eat it today) turned my stomach. I sat in the bathroom to read a book. That turned out to be unnecessary, so I retired to the living room to read, but the light wasn't nearly as good. When I finished the book, I realized that I did not have the energy to check my e-mail. And that was when I knew I was sick. I drank a little water. I worried about Chris until he came home at 8. He made me some tea and I took only a sip, but it did not sit well. About 9, my breakfast came up. I wondered how it could have sat there all day and not digested. I felt better then and tried to clean up the bathroom. Chris drew me a warm bath. I added hot water and got in. Strangely I felt worse after the bath than before it. I got in bed. Chris brought me a tissue of vetiver and lavender oil. I slept pretty well until sometime in the middle of the night. I had started sweating again. I got up to have water twice. Finally I went back to sleep and when I woke up, Chris was already up and on his computer. I convinced him to come back to bed. Later, he took a shower and went to the office. I drank the cold tea from last night and posted to my blog.

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