Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Water fasting and yoga class

I had a long night, full of sweating vs shivering. After Chris left for work, I decided to do a water fast, assuming I could remember not to eat. I drank a quart of water sitting in front of my laptop and watching a video and reading e-mail. I did today's Sudoku puzzle, confused because I thought I had done it last night. I checked the outside temp, and it was below freezing. One of the e-mails was a tribute to David Bowie, so I listened to some of his music, but I did not feel a connection. I drank more water, and watched part of a documentary on how big oil conquered the world while I exercised. Nela called to ask if I was coming to yoga at 11. I had forgotten and did not want to go because of the weather, but she said if no one came, the class would be rescheduled for 7am. I drank more water, then dressed warmly and packed a bag. I went to yoga, and there was only one person there other than the three of us. The instructor said we could sit out any pose that got too advanced and I did a lot of sitting. I was not sure I survived it, tomorrow will tell. I came home. Chris was here with two packages. I unpacked them. One had two boxes of vitamin C packets and both had the tape slit. One only had 29 packets in it. I watched the rest of the documentary and read the comments. Very depressing. I did some tapping for guidance. I drew some sketches for the backpack. I sent an e-mail and sketched out a Facebook post for QOV. I was cold and could not warm up, so I ran hot water in the tub and mixed in some epsom salts. It felt so good on my feet that I ran more water in the tub and laid back with a book. Sadly I had not thought to bring my glasses into the bathroom. When the water cooled off, I got out and went to bed, with the book and a pair of glasses. It helped me warm up. Then the phone rang. Chris was calling to say he was walking home from work so he could drive us to the town hall meeting at 6. I did not feel like getting dressed and going outside, but I did want to hear what was discussed. So I got dressed by the time Chris came home. I drank a mug of hot water. Then we drove to the theater. We met the CO in the hallway and were the first persons there. Myra called to see if I needed a ride, but I told her I was already there. When she and Nela came, they sat behind me. But most people came late and sat in the back. The assistant superintendent of military schools in Korea came to answer questions – most of which were about being short on staff. Then he left for Seoul and the CO fielded questions on other topics. After the meeting, I spoke with the ladies behind me. Nela is starting an after-school knitting club and wants Myra and I to help. Then I stood behind Chris in line to talk to MWR. After we spoke, I went back to the ladies until they left, and then Chris was ready to drive home. When we got home, he fixed himself supper while I finished listening to an interview. He recommended eating resistant starches, one of which is banana peels. I made up another package to go in the mail. I read Chris my proposed Facebook post on QOV and then posted it. I made a cup of chrysanthemum blossom tea and drank it while we watched episodes of Big Bang theory. Then I posted to my blog and we went to bed.
* Here is a pic from the market yesterday *

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