Friday, January 8, 2016

First FRG meeting

I woke up with a full-on sore throat. So I stayed in bed long after I would usually get up. It was 9:30 when I boiled water for making warm salt water. I skipped the vinegar because it might be loaded with histamines. I also heated up the coffee pot with ginger and turmeric. I drank 2 quarts of water. I deleted a lot of e-mail and started reading the rest. I put hydrogen peroxide in my ears. There was no crackling. But it did crackle on the skin outside my ear. I massaged the lymph nodes under my arms. A man from our church in Huntsville sent out a message telling everyone that none of his cancer treatments worked and that he is contacting hospice. I felt so badly for him and wondered what to say. I did some tapping. I started watching The Vitamin Movie. Chris came home for lunch. He had two boxes from the post office. One of them held what I ordered for Christmas presents. He showed me how to run the dishwasher. He went back to work and I took a shower. I got dressed and called Nela. I met her halfway down the street. She handed me two strawberries from the market. They looked just barely ripe but they tuned out to be sweet. We went to the FRG meeting at the Housing building. Roughly 8 people showed up, including the commander and executive officer and their wives and young kids. It was very interesting to hear what was going on, and what could go on, and finding out how things worked. After the meeting, a few us talked while walking out. Someone mentioned that shopping online is a problem here because the sites can detect that our isp's are not in America and we are shown a reduced selection and higher prices, even on Amazon. I was shocked and concerned. Am I paying more on Amazon because I now live in Korea?
When I got back, I emptied the dishwasher, and ate lunch and Nela's strawberries. I checked e-mail, and finished and closes windows in my browser. I finished watching The Vitamin movie. I checked out Chinhae-related Facebook pages. There are at least 8, no wonder I am so confused. I opened the Swansons box, and put the items away. I did the weekend Sudoku puzzle. I went to my sewing room to try the technique I saw on Pinterest, but worked on the red project instead, sewing red scraps together to make larger pieces. It got dark. Chris came home late. We discussed things I heard at the FRG meeting. We continued talking while Chris prepared a burrito and salad for supper. I listened to an interview on essential oils, but Chris did not like what the man was saying, so I put on headphones.
When it was over, Chris still wasn't ready to watch a movie. So I checked Target online. I was surprised to see a pop-up welcoming me as an international customer and giving the prices in Korean won. Maybe we do need a VPN. I'll have to get a recommendation.
I drank another quart of water. I read e-mail, following links to sewing projects. I was waiting for Chris to finish with e-mail, but it got late and I just went to bed.
* Since I did not take any pics today, here is one of me noticing that I match the 'flooring' of the exercise station. If I died here, no one would find me. *

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