Monday, January 18, 2016

Chrysanthemum tea

We slept late. I thought Chris was going to work, but he got caught up in e-mail at home. I got up at 9:30 and started my coffee morning routine. It was after noon when I finished. Chris put soup fixings in a pot on the stove and finally went to work. I called Myra about going to the five day market. She called Nela and then said Karen was going, too. So I got dressed and called Suk to tell her I would be gone for awhile and would call when I got back. I met Myra at her house and we collected Karen and Nela. Then she drove us to Home Plus and we parked on the top deck. We had to go through Home Plus to cross the street to the market. We stopped to shop and I got Command hooks. Myra and Nela got stuff, too. Then we walked outside to cross the street. It was bitterly cold in the wind. I wished I had worn my scarf. We could have been shopping for frozen food. We wandered up the right side and down the left. I was looking for dried chrysanthemum blossoms. The normal seller wasn't there but we ducked into a shop where Nela typed the word into her phone for a translation. The man pointed to a bag of dried flowers for $10. Eeek. But I bought them. With our market purchases we headed back through Home Plus. Nela stopped to get a bucket of fried chicken for her family. Then we headed home. When I got back, I called Suk and she came over. She brought me kimchi and some honey to try. The honey was from her friend who keeps bees, and it is very expensive. I thought it tasted like normal store-bought honey, not with the flavor that mine (from the market) had. Then we went to my sewing room. From her description I drew a backpack and labeled the dimensions. She wanted pockets and a matching wallet. While we were discussing it, Chris came home. She talked about expensive clothes that she had to give away because they no longer fit. I gave her Mrs. Lee's number, so she could have more clothes made. After she left, I read e-mail until the chicken soup was done. I called Jane to find out how to make the tea and how much to use. She said to boil water and pour it over 3 blossoms. After supper, I peeled a pomegranate. I put some of the arils in a bowl for Chris. I ate mine rather quickly with a spoon, and listened to several audios. Chris ate his one at a time, spitting out each tiny seed. I did tomorrow's Sudoku puzzle. We watched The Jewel of the Nile. I drank my chrysanthemum tea. And then it was time for bed.

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