Friday, January 22, 2016

Ha ma

Last night I got very drowsy after using the lavender and vetiver oils. I still laid awake for awhile, but I think I woke up less during the night and it was easier to go back to sleep after Chris left for work. I got up at 8:45 and used my new HGH spray. I drank water with coconut vinegar in it. I deleted e-mail. I read a few e-mails and then got sidetracked reading the answers to a question on Quora about how to answer students who ask why they have to learn geometry or Shakespeare. When I finished swishing, I took a shower, but avoided cold water. The cold water treatment was lowering the frequency of my showers. Nela called to see if I was going to yoga. I rolled up my mat. I put castor oil on the skin above my ear. I bundled up and walked to the gym. The instructor and Myra and Suzanne were there, stretching to music. I put down my mat and we stretched while waiting for Nela. Then we followed the instructor as best we could. Even though I could not do what she was doing, she would tell us how to make the movement or stretch even harder. I felt so bad. I told myself that someone has to be the person who makes everyone else feel like they are not the worst in the class. It's a public service, right? That did not make me feel any better. After class, we talked on the way up the hill about the QOV group. I want to communicate with everyone by e-mail, but they were telling me that their e-mail doesn't work so they use Facebook. The last thing we need around here is another Facebook page. I laid down for awhile, listening to an audio. It ended and soon Jane showed up. She brought a child's book of Korean letters and we studied together, learning sounds, and days of the week, etc. Then Chris came home from work. We talked to him for a little bit. Then we looked at the Korean bus site to see if there was a way to see a bus' route. Chris drove her to the chapel for Bible study. We ate supper and read e-mail, etc Then we watched two episodes of Castle. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.
* 'Ha ma' is the word for hippo *

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