Thursday, January 7, 2016

Yard work in January

Last night, I slept well at first, but woke up early and could not go back to sleep. But I did not feel like getting up either, because my throat was a tad bit sore. I heard Chris get up. Then I heard my alarm. I heard him leave. It must have been after 8 when I got up. I boiled water. I went to the bathroom to put hydrogen peroxide in my ears while the water heated. When I came back, the pot handle holder was smoldering. I took the pot off the burner and mixed it with room temp water and salt. I drank that then made more warm water and put clove and ginger oil in it. I drank that too. I swished. I read and deleted a lot of email. I exercised to a short video. I put the bread away and washed the bread pan. Chris came home for lunch. He had two boxes from the post office, both marked Swanson's. One of them was in a large plastic bag because something was spilling out of it. When I opened the box, I saw that the bag of hemp seed had a hole in it. I put all the other items away, then put the hemp in another bag. After Chris left, I read e-mail and drank tea. I did tomorrow's Sudoku puzzle. I raked leaves into a box and transferred some to the flower beds and the rest went into the forest behind the duplex. As much as I could stuff went into a hole in the front yard where a tree used to be. When the leaves were gone, I could see that the grass needed trimming. So I went into the shed to get the lawn mower. But there was a bolt missing on the handle. Before I could mow, I had to tape and twine the handle in place. There was charge in the battery so I used it to mow the front yard, such as it was. The trim wasn't as good as I wanted but I figured it would cut better with a full charge. I put the mower back in the shed and hook the battery up to the charger. I also put the rake in there. I guess Housing will call me if they desperately need their rake back soon. I had just sat back down to e-mail, when Jane called. She was coming early for bible study and needed a place to stay. I said sure, but then wondered how I was going to entertain her for two+ hours. I jotted notes for my blog. I picked up around the place, and started cleaning up in kitchen. Then the doorbell rang. I invited her in. I needn't have worried about entertaining her. When she heard about my hair, she offered to cut the back. And she did a good job. She remarked on my Sudoku half ball and I let her have it. She was thrilled. She wanted to know how Sudoku worked and I explained it. Then we sat on the couch and studied Korean. She explained how to type Korean words on a phone keypad. We talked until 6, when she got ready to leave for bible study. After she left, I washed up half of the mushrooms that I bought at the five-day market. (I just love these mushrooms because they look so interesting. I would love to be a little fairy living in Mushroom City.) I fried them in butter. Chris had gone to dinner with a group from work. I savored the mushrooms, and then minced some garlic into hummus and ate that. I made and drank some ginger/turmeric tea. I read e-mail and saw a quilting idea that I wanted to try. Just then, Chris came home for the dinner. After changing his clothes, we filled the water containers from the shower filter. Chris stood on the shower seat while I handed him the pitchers. Then we selected Arabian Nights to watch. But it was a very long movie so we paused it at 10:30 to go to bed.

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