Monday, March 28, 2016

Glad to be vertical again

I spent the night sleeping on couch cushions on the floor by our bed. I was unable to get into bed without triggering a spasm. Chris' alarm went off early and he got up to have breakfast and check e-mail. I crawled into the bathroom, but needed his help to get to the toilet. I could not make it, so used an empty trashcan instead. Still, it represented progress. Chris moved the cushion back to the couch and prepared a place for me there. He put my laptop on the coffee table. The couch was much easier to get up from than the floor. He brought me lots of water while I read e-mail. Anna called to see how I was doing. I told her I could not make the food prep class this morning or go to Daegu. Chris and I watched the last two episodes of Castle. Eventually I was able to walk to the bathroom as long as I held on to Chris. Nela called after the class to see how I was. She was disappointed that we were not going to Daegu. As I read e-mail, I took breaks to stand up and gingerly walk with and without assistance. Later, Myra called and offered to help in any way. About 11:30, Chris made lunch from rolls and pork. He made two for me. Then he helped me make my breakfast. I sat down to eat it. He went to Elizabeth's house to get the walker I lent her. I had him put it in the bathroom. It was such a sunny day that I thought I should walk in the yard a little. I thought Chris was coming with me, but he continued on to work. During the afternoon, I went out several times: once I took Kelly's hanbok to her, once I just walked, and once I picked up the coolers that had been left out to dry. I made seed crackers and left them in the oven to crisp. Chris came home early. I read e-mail and listened to interviews. One of the interviewees was posting Youtube audios of a fiction book he was writing. So I started listening to them. I had chicken and spaghetti squash with olive oil and turmeric for supper. We watched 4 episodes of CSI. Chris went to bed. Kathy messaged me to see how I was doing. I posted to my blog and went to bed, feeling much better.
* Cherry blossoms are starting to open. *

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