Saturday, March 12, 2016

Is it magic?

I slept in late because Chris was going to be gaming, but it went south. It was almost 11 when I got up. I checked e-mail and drank water. I got dressed and walked up the trail. When I got home again, I ate seed crackers. Chris helped me write an appeal to the Post Office for refusing to pay for my damaged machine. But while I was searching for similar machines for sale to see the price, the website logged me out. Chris went to work. I found some QOV scraps and started sewing them together. The extra strips were in kind of a mess so I un-stitched and re-stitched until it made sense. Then I worked on the fish quilt, pulling out fabric for the fish bodies. I cut squares for one and drew diagonal sewing lines. Chris came home and made bison soup with the canned tomatoes that Myra gave me. I checked e-mail again. We ate soup and then we went to see an illusionist at the theater, scheduled by MWR. Actually, he was more of a mind reader. He picked people from the audience to think of words, or numbers, and then guessed them as if he was reading their minds. He guessed the phone number of someone's sister back in the states. I thought that was funny because after the show, I was speaking to him and Chris asked for his autograph. He asked if we were married and I figured he should know that if he can guess a random phone number. He also made a table move, and then rise up, which was pretty impressive. He had notes tucked away from before the show explaining things that no one could possibly have predicted. It was amazing. And I examined the table with no unusual findings. Chris and I walked home. I re-did the appeal to USPS. We watched three episodes of CSI. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* The illusionist reads Chris' mind as he selects a word at random from a book (which I examined later and it was a real book). *

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