Monday, March 7, 2016

Laundering ideas

I was up before 8, and checked e-mail. I cut and sewed a fish block while listening to audios. I swished, and exercised. I ate seed crackers, and then called Myra. I could see she had called earlier but I never heard the phone ring. I called Nela because she called while I was trying to call Myra. They were on their way over. I put on my shoes and coat. They arrived and carried my stuff to Myra's car. She drove us to the classroom. We set up while she parked the car at Security. Several ladies showed up, some with machines. Most made or finished their aprons. One made a potholder, and another worked on a mitt. After we packed up, we drove to Transportation, but they were closed for lunch. So Myra drove me home, and we unloaded my sewing stuff. Chris was here, but he left. I made and ate breakfast while checking e-mail. The house phone rang. The man was looking for Chris, but talked to me for some time. My side of the conversation went like this: “Uh huh... ok.... right... yeah... hmmm... really?... wow... nice... etc. Finally I told him I was supposed to meet someone at 2. He said goodbye and hung up. I checked my cell phone to see that Myra had called, but I never heard it ring. I called her and we agreed to meet. I walked down to her apartment building. We walked to Transportation and got two pamphlets for the driver's test. Then we walked to FFTC to talk to Ms Kim about returning loaner stuff – hopefully tomorrow. We chatted with Dan, then walked to Nela's house to give her one of the pamphlets. I walked Myra to Housing and went home. I sat outside to read the manual because it was such a nice day. When my feet got cold, I came in and sat on the couch. I got sleepy. I managed to fend off sleep until I finished reading and then curled up on the couch. I got up at 5 and remembered that there was an FRG meeting at 6. I had something to eat and Chris came home. I talked to him. Then I threw ingredients in the bread machine. I called Nela to ask where the meeting was. She had forgotten. She agreed to call Myra as Chris and I hurried out the door. When we got to the FFTC building, only two people were there. But a few more showed up. We discussed fundraisers for the FRG during the exercise. One was to make breakfast snacks for the extra people on post. Another was a video game challenge, and some sort of dance contest. Finally we discussed doing laundry. It seemed quite the opportunity to make money but the logistics were sticky – when to accept drop-offs, pick-ups, and what to do with the bags of laundry after they are done – since we would be doing them at the coin laundry. Finally we agreed to meet later in the week because the CO had not yet signed the by-laws to make it all legal. Chaun drove me home. Chris had the light on for me. I cut up a yellow pepper and ate it. Then we watched episodes of CSI season 10. Chris went to bed while I stayed up to post to my blog.

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