Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Watch out Chinhae!

Last night I did not sleep well. I can't say why. Then, when I came back from the bathroom, the restless leg sensations started. I did yoga poses, but for the first time, they did not help. When Chris got up, he turned on the heat (which I had turned off several days ago). He said there were snow flurries on the ground. After he left, I got up, surprised that I wasn't more tired. I checked e-mail while drinking water with vinegar. I exercised, then made and ate breakfast. Before I was finished, Nela called to say they were coming over. So I got dressed, then finished breakfast. Nela knocked and said she'd wait in the car. I threw on my coat and grabbed the iron and my bag. I got in Myra's car (my stuff was still in the car from Monday) and we went to the chapel. We unloaded our stuff and got to sewing. Lily came, and then Anna. Lily worked on the borders and I had Anna and Nela sewing blocks together for a second quilt. Myra made more blocks since we were a few short. We started packing at 12:30. We were out by one. Nela walked home a little early to eat before the driver's test. Myra drove me home. Then she and Anna went looking for wood to make planter boxes. As I was studying, they came by for some cardboard to protect the floor of the car. I ate seed crackers and studied the pamphlet. I tapped as I read, hoping to remember it all. At 1:45 I walked toward Transportation. Nela caught up with me after arriving early but having to go back home for her license. When we arrived, we went into a back room. I handed in my pamphlet. We were given test booklets and answer sheets. He took our licenses and when he came back, he gave us pens. One man was already taking the test. I read the first page which said to only do sections A and B unless getting a gov't vehicle license. So I did sections A and B in less than 15 minutes. He gave me forms to fill out and checked my sheet. He wrote my name in a book and brought me an orange USFK license. Watch out Chinhae! I asked how many I missed and he said none. The form I filled out asked about me having a whole bunch of health issues. I replied no, even though one mentioned mental health. He signed my license and I signed it and was ready to go, but I decided to wait for Nela. Then the first man finished his test. I found out later that he is the math teacher at the school. Nela needed more time, since her native language is Spanish. And she had to call home to get her ssn. But by three we were out. We stopped off at her house and then went to the hill behind mine. She was looking for wood to make a planter box and did not see what she wanted. So we each went home. I checked e-mail and listened to some audios. I jotted notes for my blog. I mixed up a batch of chia and flax seeds. I made up nine days worth of supplement doses. Having identified those that needed refilling, I worked on a Swanson's order. Chris came home briefly for supper. Then he carried my rolling cart as we walked to the commissary. He continued on to his office. I bought a few things on the list, and rolled out of the store. Kelly offered me a ride but she was waiting on her daughter to return from a field trip, so I walked anyway. I resumed work on the Swanson's order. Some things were cheaper from and they had a free shipping offer, so I ordered from them. I did not finish the Swanson's order in case Myra wanted to get something. I finished today's puzzle. Chris came home after his VTC. We watched several episodes of CSI. He went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* how did we sew for 2 1/2 hours and not finish the borders? *

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