Friday, March 25, 2016

These blocks are the BOM

I was already awake, so I got up when the alarm rang. I drank water, and read e-mail. I listened to audios. I sewed a button on the inside of Chris' suit coat. It was coming off. Then I noticed that the lining was coming out too, so I sewed that up. Then I sewed the snap on Kelly's hanbok. I called Anna. She wanted to go to Daegu on Monday. So I called Myra and she wanted to go, too. I called Anna back. I ate seed crackers, and cleaned in the kitchen. I dressed for using bleach. I listened to another audio until she arrived. We went out back to wash FRG items from the shed. I put warm water and beach in a tub. I washed small bikes and three coolers and a roaster oven. I rinsed off the bikes with the hose. Anna had to go. She took some unfinished fish blocks with her. Chris came home for lunch. He made 4 small sandwiches with rolls from last night. I made and ate breakfast, then read e-mail. I listened to an audio. I addressed a box, sealed a quilt top inside and took it to the post office to MPS it to Yongsan. The clerk said it would go out Tuesday morning. I stopped at the commissary to buy plantains. I talked to Nela. She wanted to go to Daegu on Monday. Then I went home. I looked at boat blocks on Pinterest. I downloaded some pics of them. I listened to meditation audios. Then I worked on BOM's, wondering why they decided to do two a month after starting with one a month. At one a month, I would be caught up. Chris came home and fixed his usual burrito. The light bulb in my lamp burned out and Chris helped me find another bulb. I finished a second block. We watched two or three episodes of Castle. Then he went to bed while I stayed up to post to my blog.

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