Wednesday, March 2, 2016

PJ party

I got up at 7 to assemble and put out the recyclables. Then I listened to the tapping meditation that will be taken down at 10am for the next round. Then I did another tapping audio, but realized that that one will be available continuously. I checked e-mail, deleting lots and reading others. I called Myra at the Ombudsman number and left a message. She called right back but that was coincidence. It was a different number. I ate some seed crackers with coconut oil, and then some cashews with butter. I readied a check to go in the mail. I was also going to do a condolence card, but did not have the address. I e-mailed Jen for it. I got my stuff ready for quilting. Myra and Nela came by to pick up me and my stuff. Myra dropped us off at the chapel. We carried it in as she went to run an errand. Nela and I set up the machines and iron. Kathy and her daughter came and so did Lily. Nela wanted to sew, Kathy wanted to cut and Lily was willing to rip out. That was good because some of the blocks were out of order. And that was my fault because I had done the pinning. I kept them busy cutting borders, sewing and pressing. Finally Myra came back. I gave her the task of assembling three blocks from leftovers for a second quilt. I cut corner blocks to add white accents to the blocks of the second quilt. Another boo-boo was made and more ripping had to be done. But we got it all into one piece and will do borders next week. At 1 we packed up to go. One of the secretaries told us we could have storage space at the chapel. We considered the pros and cons of that as Myra drove me home. Kelly came out to greet us. Myra promised her some Army green thread. Then she and Nela left. I made and ate breakfast. I composed a condolence message and addressed the envelop from the return e-mail Jen sent. I made up a Swanson's order. I sent a birthday message to my sponsored child. The site allowed me to attach a photo but it had to be less than 600kb. I had a hard time getting one that small. Nela called to say they were going walking into town. But I had stuff to do, so I told them to go ahead without me. I went up on the hill and found broken pottery and potting soil. I scooped some in a metal planter there and brought it down. Then I went back up with a bucket. And filled that. Back at the bottom, I found two small boxes which I filled with soil. I planted 4 of the pea plants and put them in the front flower beds. I watered both. When I came up, I mixed up a batch of seed crackers. I poured it on the baking sheet and while the oven was heating, I started on a second batch. When the oven was preheated, I realized I had forgotten the spices. So I had to scrape it up and mix it again, and re-pour.
The second batch I made I used pecans instead of hemp seed. I cleaned in the kitchen while they cooked. Then I did the tapping meditation, and started another audio – which I paused when Chris came home at 7. He made supper for himself and I heated up a bowl of bone soup. Then we watched two episodes of The Gamers. I put on my pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt. Myra called to say she would meet me at the top of the hill by her apartment. I put on my heaviest coat and took the pecan seed crackers. We met and walked to Nela's house. The three of us walked across the street to Kathy's pj party. Fewer people came and the food was different. I meant to leave at 11, but before I knew it, it was 12:30. I went to the bathroom, then announced that I was taking my leave. The party broke up. Keymora offered to drive me home, but I could have walked a lot faster than waiting for her to finish talking to Kathy. But she stayed by my curb until I got in the door. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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