Thursday, March 3, 2016

Still can't take out the trash

I woke up about nine, but did not get up right away. When I did, I woke up my computer and drank water while reading e-mail. Kurt skyped me to show me some fabric that a lady was getting rid of. But it was not quilting fabric. Myra called to say we were meeting in the raquetball court at the gym for yoga. Kurt went on to tell me about a digital book called the Autobiography of Jack the Ripper. Sadly, he had stopped at a cliffhanger spot so I was left wanting to know what happened. After the call, I ate seed crackers with coconut oil. I got dressed for yoga. I finished the audio from last night, a little surprised that it hadn't been replaced. I took my mat and a letter. I dropped the letter in the post box, then walked to the gym. Myra led us in some stretches. As we walked out, we chatted, all the way to Myra's house. Then as we conversed on the corner, we waved to all the cars going by. Even Chris went by in Linda's car. Then we split up and I went home. Chris showed me what was in the mail, and then he left. I returned some fabric to Linda. Jane texted me that today was the five-day market so she would not be coming here. I placed an order with Jo-anns for spool holders and heat-reflective fabric. I called Sook to make arrangements for her to pick up the backpack tomorrow. I walked to the Navy Lodge to return the keys and the card since no one could tell us how to dispose of the contents of the FRG locker. But I had the wrong key. I was going to go back for the right one, but the manager arrived, and he said to keep it for two more weeks and to promise that the lockers would be empty by then. I told him I would do my best. I called Myra to ask about who emptied the trash in her husband's office. She met me at the commissary and we walked to the recycling/trash center. The bay was wide open, but no one was there. It was 3pm. So we visited Housing and asked them about garbage. They told us to put it all in yellow trash bags. I asked about stuff that would not fit in a trash bag and they said to let them know what it was and they would quote us the contractor price for taking it away.
We walked up the hill to the pile. Myra found a small stool/table for herself. I found a piece of wire that was just the right stiffness to make a cone thread holder. We talked about leaving the FRG garbage there. She did not want to put the bags in her car and I don't have a license yet. After she left to paint and decorate her table, I went in. I made a matching tissue case for the backpack while listening to tapping audios. I called Jane and asked her to buy me some kimchi from the market. I wanted it from the little store that sold us kimbap several months ago. She said they would have to make it tonight and would have it ready to pick up tomorrow. I made a to-do list and put Pick Up Kimchi on it.
Chris came home late. He made himself supper. I heated a bowl of soup. We watched an episode of Hornblower. Then I filled a dish with turmeric and pepper. I spent the next hour and a half filling little capsules with it. Chris spent the hour listening to a meeting from all over the world. It was the most boring meeting I have ever heard, but he seemed to think they were making progress. After the meeting, I washed my hands several times, trying to get the yellow off. Chris went to bed. I got dressed for bed, but had to post to my blog before retiring for the night.
* mother and daughter cutting fabric together for QOV *

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