Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Walking and cleaning

I woke up before the alarm. I heard Chris take a shower, get dressed and leave. At first I was so sore that I wasn't sure I could get out of bed. But I made it, unaided. I checked e-mail and drank water. I swished and dry-brushed. I did a modified form of my exercises. I tried to have a coffee morning. It did not work as well as I hoped. I listened to more chapters from the Youtube book "Forest". Chris came home for lunch. He had two packages for me. One was a magnetic dish for Nela and the other was cacao butter. I ate the rest of the blended cucumber (did I mention that Chris blended up five cucumbers for me on Sunday?) He helped me download some block instructions. After he left, I printed them. I called Myra to see if she would walk with me. As long as I keep moving, I am ok. I dressed in shorts and a cool top. I put the hair bows in a bag and jotted down the address. When I got outside it was too windy. I changed into pants and a longer-sleeved top. But outside I changed my mind again and went back for a jacket. I walked down to Myra's place. She was picking up trash someone left. We walked to the post office. I got a box and put the hair bows inside. We taped it shut and put the label on it. I mailed it at the window. Then we went to the commissary to get swiffer cloths. We saw Nela there. Then Anna stopped by with her little boy. She asked how I was doing. Then she had to run to get her other son from school. After we checked out, the manager told us what a good worker Nela was. As we left for home, we saw Kathy and she asked how I was doing. Then we stopped at Myra's place and she ducked in to get a mop. We proceeded to my house. She and I rearranged the guest room. Chris had made up the bed. But we de-cluttered it, hid the second bed parts, and dusted and swept. Then I showed her all of my quilts. We put one on the bed. Then we decluttered in the living room. I swiffered everything. She dust-mopped and then damp-mopped. Chris came home and we realized how late it was. She went home to cook. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail for awhile and my back got stiff again. I made up a new batch of chia/flax seed, and a new spice mixture. We watched three episodes of CSI. Chris rubbed Icy/hot on my back. He went to bed and I stayed up to check e-mail and write to my blog.
* A view our place with the cherry trees in front. *

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