Saturday, March 26, 2016

Not the best day

I got up early because Chris got up early to play with the voices. I was cutting triangles for the next BOM when my back seized. I laid on the floor for the rest of the day. Typing is difficult from this position. I hope to be better tomorrow.
* pic from wed *
What I would have written:
While lying on the floor, I took my meds because the pain was so bad. I ate the last of the seed crackers so the meds would not hurt my stomach. I listened to audios, and read e-mails on the laptop Chris placed beside me. I watched an episode of TQS and another video. Chris made the plantain chips that I had planned to make. They were ok. He also made brussels sprouts, which turned out really well. I took the meds again, but they did not seem to be helping. The pain was more manageable and I was more relaxed, but the muscles were no less likely to spasm again given any reason or no reason. I did a lot of tapping, and meditating. I ordered a bunch of $3 t-shirts from Joanns because they were having a sale and most of mine are stained with turmeric. Chris brought me kinchi and squash for supper. I took a nap. I read more e-mail. I tried to write to my blog using my tablet, but it brought my blog up in Korean. So I typed out a few sentences with one finger of my left hand, and shut down my laptop for the night.

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