Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A lot of trouble for a lemon

I woke up sometime after Chris’ alarm went off. It was raining hard and I was glad to be in a warm dry bed. Chris said I spoke in my sleep: “I'm gonna kill you, I’ve got a gun. pistolay”. I vaguely remembered saying it, but to whom? When my alarm went off, I got up to shut it off. That is when I noticed a big puddle in the foyer and a large centipede. I went back to bed and told Chris. He threw the centipede out and swept out most of the water. I got on the computer to find an audio to listen to while I searched for a lemon embroidery design. I could not find one in my collection nor a free one online. Then I figured the ones for sale were too new for my machine anyway. So I downloaded a pic and used it as a template to digitize. The process went slowly because I had forgotten how to use the software. I got in several audios as well as a quart of water, my exercises and two Sudoku puzzles. The men from Housing came by twice, once to say they got Chris' e-mail and then later, to clean the gutters. I chose a yellow fabric from my collection and a green one for the little leaves. Finally I ‘wrote’ the design to the card. I took a break to make breakfast and get the bread machine started. Then I set up my embroidery machine. I turned the bag inside out and discovered that even so, it was going to be a bear to get under the machine. I had marked the middle of the bag to place the lemon, but physics demanded that I sew it close to the edge. So close in fact, that one of the leaves could not be sewn out due to the placement of the magnet closure. I stitched the lemon anyway. The yellow fabric moved during the staystitching. I called Myra and talked to her while trying to pick the stitches out. But they were too close together. I handstitched the staystiching back in place and trimmed away the extra fabric. Then I had the machine satin stitch around the lemon. I had to re-digitize the remaining leaf. Then I sewed it, trimmed the extra fabric and satin stitched around it. I started trimming threads, etc. Then I broke to eat the rest of the hummus with fresh crushed garlic. Both computers needed rebooting. While they were busy, I made chocolate avocado mousse. I used honey instead of maple syrup and added some stevia. It was good with cashews. I made up a week’s worth of supplements. By then it was 8 and Chris wasn’t home yet so I called, but there was no answer. However within 15 minutes, he called back to say he would be home soon. I turned on the outside light. I prepared the recyclables for tomorrow. I jotted notes for my blog. Chris came home with a Swanson’s box. I disbursed the items in the box. While Chris ate supper, I put away my embroidery machine and thread, then worked on my scarf jacket. Then he made popcorn and we watched two episodes of Castle, which came in today. He went to bed and soon I shall, too.

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