Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Looking for tea cups

I woke up when Chris got up, but did not get up until my alarm went off. I turned it off, and then went in my sewing room. The scarf jacket had one pinned seam. I sewed it, trimmed off the extra fabric, and then turned it inside out. I ironed it that way and pinned it again, creating a French seam. I cut the fold open to create the remaining sleeve. I tried it on. It was too long but I saved that for later. I got out the fish quilt top and ironed it. I found some tucks. I trimmed threads. I folded it up and put it back in the box for class. I threw in some extra fabric and a pair of scissors. I turned on my computer to read e-mail while drinking water. I exercised and swished. I read e-mail again. I figured the plants did not need watering. Myra called to say she was walking into town for a quick trip before class. I tried the seed crackers with the chocolate avocado mousse. It was passable. I also had some cashews with butter. Then I got dressed. Myra came by at 10:45. She saw the striped bag and loved it. We loaded my machine and sewing bin and iron into her car. We unloaded at the chapel and she went to re-park her car while I set up the machine and iron. The secretary helped me spread the fish quilt on the table. I laid purple strips and the blue/orange print strip of squares on point next to the top to audition them. I brought out the blue backing material and it looked good as a border. We went round and round trying to decide exactly what to do. Myra told me that if we got it done before she left for the summer, she would quilt it on her mother’s long arm. That really touched me as I had hoped somehow to have it quilted. We liked the squares on point sample that I made of flying geese. So I cut more strips and she sewed them. We did not get it done before 1pm arrived and we packed up. She drove me home. I made and ate breakfast. I was auditioning boxes to mail my new shoes back when Myra called to say she was ready. I grabbed my sunglasses and walked down there. We walked out in town to The Foot Shop. We signed up for massages next Tuesday. Then we wandered around the traditional market, looking for inexpensive tea cups for the lemonade social on Friday. I could not resist looking for the orange and yellow marigolds. The lady did not have them, so I bought a nasturtium, a wave petunia and an unknown red flower. I also came across bowls of shelled peas and strawberries for a good price. Then we went to Office Depot. Myra found what she wanted in there. We walked back, satisfied. When we got to base, we stopped at the FFTC classroom to see if anyone had come for the Korean language class, but no one had. Then we stopped at the phone/gift shop. We met a couple from Busan who were shopping the Nex and commissary. Then we walked back to Myra’s place, and I proceeded home. I resumed an audio and ate something. Then I planted my remaining sweet potato which was dying back, and the nasturtium. Chris came home while I was playing other, shorter audios. I went to his car to get my box of fabric. I laid it on the sidewalk and got my sack purse and a cutting mat. When Myra did not show up, I picked up the box and walked down to her place. She was just backing out. I got in and we went to the FFTC. We set up the machines and mats in the classroom. Ladies started showing up. Suzanne finished her daughter’s dress by hand. Helen cut out placemats. Nela worked on her table topper. I crosscut the stripset from earlier, and resewed the cuts in opposite order. Then I cut them diagonally. Someone took over my machine, but by then it was time to pack up. No one was eager to leave. But they did help me pack up and put the room back in order. Nela and I rode with Myra to my house. They dropped me off, and I walked in to find Chris watching one of the Gamer videos. When it was over, we watched two episodes of Castle. He went to bed in preparation for a 5am teleconference. I finished my blog post and followed him to bed.

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