Saturday, May 28, 2016

Birthday party

I woke several times in the early morning alternately too hot or too cold depending on the coverings. I had a dream that I could fly. But this time I had a magic object to help me. Always before, I could fly on my own. I woke up, clenching my teeth and wondering why. I thought I had this licked. I got up and put the food waste in its container, then took it out to the curb. On the way back, I checked the lettuce and saw that something has been after it. I got out clippers and the pinwheel. It did not want to spin freely so I oiled the pin. I set it in the plate of lettuce that showed attack. I clipped the dead flower heads from the dahlias. I read e-mail while drinking water. Chris skyped me and I got to talk to him, Michele, Al and Cecily and a bit to Marie. I did some mental programming for how I would like to experience the party. I knew Anna was looking for outdoor games for the kids. So I looked for my parafoil kite, but did not find it. I ironed some shorts to wear. Then I walked uphill to the party at the CO’s house. They had a bouncy house full of kids from the base community and the nearby orphanage. I guess they bounced it too far back because all of a sudden it deflated. Scott got all the kids out and someone reconnected the air hose. I hung out with Myra and Carolyn. I wasn’t going to eat, but they had raw veggies and shrimp, so I ate that and watermelon. We all sang Happy Birthday to the kids having birthdays this month. Blowing out candles was new to them. Then someone cut the cake and handed out pieces. There was a lot of food leftover so Scott called Security and two guys came over to pack up the leftovers and take it back to the station. I walked home, eating leftover shrimp. I mowed our lawn really short. That was because the men who cut the public areas cut really short. I watered my flowers which I could see wilting as I was mowing. I listened to an audio that Jennifer recommended. Then I went back outside to plant flowers and the last sprouted sweet potato. I read e-mail until I had ti down to 57. Then I worked on adjusting a pattern, trying to add self-sleeves to a sleeveless mock cowl neck. What a pain. Then I cut out the pattern from knit fabric (the pattern did not call for knits, but one of my favorite shirts is almost that style and make from a knit). I ironed on stabilizer that I bought at the market to the back neck, sewed it down, then sewed the shoulder seams not realizing that the back neck facing was to be sewn to the cowl front. I got that fixed and really really wanted to finish the top tonight, but my eyes were crossing so I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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