Wednesday, May 11, 2016

No Myra

I slept very well. I woke up just after 7 and went back to bed to do some mental programming. I imagined myself taller and thinner. When the alarm rang, I got up to take the recyclables out. I turned on the laptop and checked on the crock pot which was on all night. I added salt. Then I took a muffin sheet of chocolate out of the fridge and popped them out of the mold. I warmed up the remaining chocolate so I could pour it. I deleted e-mail and called up an audio. I placed a walnut in each muffin cup. Myra called to say she was really sick and was staying home today, and had canceled the sewing class for tonight. I poured chocolate over the nuts. I started today’s puzzle. I unstacked the dishwasher which I had run last night. I cleaned the kitchen, then got dressed. I thought about how to carry all my sewing stuff to the Quilts of Valor meeting without Myra. I packed the car with just a few items. When I got there, I was able to park at the chapel. I only took one machine thinking it would just be me (and maybe Nela on her break). But Lily came. She started a placement with a heart stitched onto it. So I had to go back to the car for a box of fabric. Then Susanne came and worked on making a patchwork pillow top while her daughter painted. Anna and Bernie were there, too, to start setting up for the event tonight. I packed up early so I could be home by 1 because Housing was doing AC checks and my house number was listed for this afternoon. The paper said it would take an hour, but they rinsed the filters in each room and wiped the units in 15 minutes and went next door. I made and ate breakfast. The lady next door came by to ask how to turn the water off. I gave her my water key to turn it off (AC guys must have used it to rinse her filters). I turned off the crock pot and let the broth cool. I spooned out most of the fat, then put the broth in jars and spooned off more fat. I put bones in a separate jar, and vegetables in their own jar. Then I took a break to go to the post office to get the mail, but there were only envelops, no packages. As I came home, I ran into Kelly and Chaun. So I talked to them for a while. I listened to an audio and processed e-mail. I looked up DC Jarvis MD who advocated vinegar and honey as a cure-all. I wanted to know how he got the honey to dissolve in water. I went outside to water the plants. I spent a little more time on e-mail. I saw an idea on Pinterest that I thought would make the red/orange dress look better. So I spent the evening working on it. I cut off the bottom to made a skirt and sewed it to an elastic waist band. But there was too much fabric in it. I tried to gather the fullness in the top but it never looked right. Finally at 10, I decided to leave it for morning.
* this is the 'before' picture. Any suggestions? *

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