Monday, May 9, 2016

Finally finished the slippery thing

I woke up having a great idea – getting up early and sewing for an hour. I did a little mental programming before I got up. But then I got on my laptop to find an audio to play as I sewed. And that was that. I drank water, I found a coupon from Joanns for free shipping for one day. So I got on to order the ironing board fabric, but now it was twice as much. They had an alternate coupon for 50% off, which was a better deal. So I put that in. But before I checked out, I remembered that the last two shipments from Joanns, (one from March) still had not arrived. I decided to wait until the shipments arrived or they answered my query about my orders. I listened to audios and jotted notes on magnesium and calcium. I swished and exercised. I ate some seed crackers. I worked on my scarf project until my laptop battery buzzed. I plugged it back in and worked on my Sudoku puzzle while listening to the next audio. Chris came home with March Joann’s order. I think he made a sandwich and then he left. I opened the box to check the contents. I made and ate breakfast. I looked up coconut butter to remind me of why I ordered it. But I couldn’t find any benefit not also conferred by coconut oil. I opened the container and tasted it. It looked and tasted like coconut oil. Humph. I got out the cashews and dug some butter out with a spoon. That was ok, and then I noticed it: under the white top layer was another texture, butterscotch in color. AHA! I tasted it and it was GOOD! Almost fabric-shopping good. I had to force myself to put it away. I wanted to save it for making chocolate. I got dressed and went to the post office. As usual, I ran into people I knew on the way over and on the way back. Nela and Myra were coming down the hill as I walked up. They were on their way to help someone who was moving. But they said there was not much left to do, so I continued home. I jotted notes for my blog. I finished the scarf jacket. I called Myra to take a pic.
She was just going home so I ran down there with my camera. She took several pics of me wearing the jacket. As I was leaving, Scott came home. I talked to him about his camping trip over the weekend. Then I walked home. I thought Chris would be home, but he wasn’t. I made a salad for supper. I was able to eat most of it before I had to leave. I left for the FRG meeting. I met Myra on the way so we walked together. Then Kemora dropped off Anna, so we three walked in together. Myra told the group that she was asked to say that the by-laws MUST be followed to the letter or the command will take steps (or something like that). Then Chelsea said the yard sale should be decided by the next leadership. She passed out paper for ballots. She wrote names on the whiteboard and what they were running for. Some people ran for every office. I wrote on my ballot what we had voted on Friday (which turned out to be an invalid vote). Nela copied mine. It was the only solution where every office got filled and no one got re-elected. The by-laws stated that the command had to count and approve the election. But no one was there, so I suggested that Myra call the CO to see if she as ombudsman could do the count, then we could talk about the yard sale. She did and he said ok. The count turned out the same as Friday. Then Myra announced that we should thank Chelsea so I started applauding. Kelly – new president – said she would get the board together to discuss it. She initiated a discussion of when was the best time to meet. Then the group broke up. People stood around talking for a while. Myra, Nela and I walked home. Chris still wasn’t home. I finished my salad. I started an audio. Chris arrived. I paused it. He gave me his game plan for the evening. I watched an episode of TQS while he changed clothes and ate supper. Then he packed while I watched and helped weigh his suitcase. We watched one episode of CSI. He told me his alarm would go off at 3:30. He went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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