Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

Chris didn’t go to church because we got to bed so late and that threw my routine off. He put a card on my laptop to find when I turned it on. I forgot to drink the quart of water. I took a shower, looked at e-mail, and then got dressed. Chris drove me to church and came home. I sat with Jane. The praise team was out of town so we sang hymns acapella. We had a guest chaplain give the message. He is currently stationed in Pohang but said he was a Baptist minister from Texas. The Baptist part showed. After the service, I found Chris sitting outside waiting for me. We walked to the post office to get some mailing envelopes. He drove me home then said he had to work so he couldn’t go to lunch (but he never did). I changed my clothes and he drove me to the Korean church to eat with Jane, and went home. He had laundry started when I got home. I weighed the soles I want to mail back, and looked up the price to ship them. Priority Mail was expensive, but not too bad first class. I prepared a package to mail. I went out to mow the lawn, back and front. Then I used clippers to trim around all the edges. I wanted to mow next door but wasn’t sure how they would take it. I came in and started an audio. I made seed crackers and ate some nuts. I made and ate breakfast. I investigated haritaki as a possible cause of the itching ear. I folded the laundry and put mine away. I worked on the scarf jacket. About nine I quit and told Chris we had to watch now or it would be too late. He quit his pirate game (or was it Navy software?) and we watched two episodes. Then we put clean sheets on the bed. Chris went to bed and I stayed up long enough to write to my blog.
* Jane wore her hanbok for Mother's Day *

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