Monday, May 16, 2016

Shopping with Myra in Daegu

I got up a little after the alarm went off. I drank water and looked at e-mail. I started listening to an audio, but it sounded familiar so I shut it off. I ate seed crackers with mayo. I got dressed and packed for the day. I got out my back pack. I hadn’t repaired the bag on my cart so I put a safety pin in it. I put water in a bottle which went into the backpack. I did some mental programming about how I wanted the day to go. It was rainy so I put on my jogging shoes and a coat and took an umbrella. I carried my cart to the commissary. Nela was right behind me. I went to the ATM for cash. Then Kim was there and we waited for Myra. When she arrived, we got in Kim’s car. Mr. Soong helped Kim program the GPS for the Daegu fabric market. Then we were on our way. When we got near the market, we looked for the parking deck. It was confusing and somehow we crossed a yellow line when we finally found it and got cussed out (I assume). But after showing her ID, they let Kim drive into the parking deck. She drove around and around until she found a space big enough for her van. But the guard made her back into the space, which was difficult in that small area. We took the elevator up to the first floor and walked out to the street. We asked about fabric and were directed. But when we got there, those people gave us different directions. Eventually we discovered that the fabric was in the same building as the parking deck! We looked on the second floor, then on the third and on the fourth. Kim found silk for her mother-of-the-bride dress. I found quilting fabric and some minki. I found fish fabric and binding fabric for the fish quilt top. Nela and Myra got fabric, too. We were hungry so we went into the basement for lunch. I got kimbap at one spot, then sat to eat it with the others in another spot. The lady in charge of the other spot gave me kimchi and broth to go with my kimbap. After lunch, we went looking through the stands along the streets. I bought two bras for $10. We found some fabric stores there, too and I got some nylon to make market bags. Along the street, we saw cherries for sale, but a bowl of cherries was $10, so I just bought strawberries for $3. Then we noticed it was after 5, so we got in the car. Coming out of the parking deck, we were charged $15. We threw money together to pay and she drove us home. Once on base, she dropped me off at my place and then took the others home. I dropped all my stuff by the front door. I ate some leftovers while checking e-mail. Then I made a salad and ate it while jotting notes for my blog. I got tapping audios in e-mail and tapped through them. I watched the four videos that I posted to Facebook years ago. I changed my Facebook cover photo to reflect the addition of borders to the fish quilt. I cleared more e-mail and did a little more tapping. Noticing that it was after 10, I blogged and went to bed.

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