Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Walking with Myra

I got up pretty early. I don’t remember when, but I do remember hearing my alarm go off when my coffee morning routine was underway. In addition to exercise and meditation and e-mail, I cleaned the kitchen. I picked strawberries. I took a shower. I even started a load of fabric laundry before heading to yoga. It was an all female class today. When it was over, the ladies told me how beautiful the fish quilt was. I wondered how they had seen it since all I did was made it the cover photo on my facebook page. But apparently Facebook told everyone, even the lady who doesn’t ‘friend’ anyone. I headed back with Myra. We agreed to meet after lunch to walk the trail. I made and ate breakfast, drying one load of fabric and washing a second load. I called her about 2 to say I was going to the post office and commissary. I hoped to get a package today, so I drove. But there was no parking anywhere around the FFTC center or the chapel. I drove around twice, then went home. I parked the car, then went inside to get my rolling cart. The dryer was finished so I pulled the fabric out and folded it. I walked down to the commissary, passing by the pool which was being filled with water. I left my cart at the commissary while I went to the post office. There was mail but no packages. Then I remembered Michele’s gift. I went to the commissary for food and hydrogen peroxide and a new set of measuring cups. There were no cups and hydrogen peroxide came in small bottles. I was in a snit over having to walk my groceries home, but I kept the number low so it wasn’t so bad and half way up the hill, the firechief offered me a ride the rest of the way. I put the food away, then took Michele’s present to the post office to mail. I called Myra from there and she was ready. On my way to her house, two people offered me rides home. Ha! She met me at the stairs. She showed me her flower beds and vegetable beds. Then we walked up the trail. It was full of debris from the rain which made it treacherous on the steepest part. But we made it. We walked to the second exercise station and came back by the road, picking up trash as we went. We came down the steps behind my house. I showed her my flower beds. She saw some berries that I missed. We stood talking for awhile, until we saw her husband drive up the hill. So she walked to the street so he would pick her up on his way back down. I went inside and was eating gelled bone broth when I saw Anna outside. I went out and called to her. She had come to talk with Myra and me but we had already split up. Anna and I talked for a bit. Then she went home. I ate some hummus with crushed garlic. I did tomorrow’s Sudoku puzzle. I read e-mail, then got on Netflix to see if the streaming option worked. And it did, only too well. I watched several episodes of Criminal Minds and two of Bones before I exited Netflix to prepare the recyclables and sweep the floor. I send Chris a message asking him to get some measuring cups while in the states. I wrote up my blog and then tapped with an article in e-mail and went to bed.
* This is as close as I got to the pool, but I plan to get a lot closer when it is open. *

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