Friday, May 27, 2016

Happy Birthday, Chris

I got up about 7:15. I swished and drank water while reading e-mail. I went outside to water and saw Kelly out watching the men from Housing boxing up her stuff to move it to a larger house. She told me that they were already spending their nights at the other house. Although I swear I hadn’t heard them through the walls, I had noticed how quiet our house was the last two evenings. I picked strawberries and spread fresh salt on the porch. I took some niacin and walked up the trail, stopping to use the exercise stations. I had worked up a good sweat, so I did more yard work to keep it going – raking up grass clipping and pulling weeds. I put the package of ox-tail in crock pot along with an onion. I did today’s puzzle listening to an audio. I ate some seed crackers, then made and ate breakfast. I sent a birthday message to Chris. Then I took a shower and dressed nicely to go to dentist. I got there 5 minutes early. I waited in the main room, then was sent to wait upstairs where the hygenists were working. Then it was my turn. She had me sit in a dental chair. She covered my eyes and face with a mask that had a hole in it. She cleaned with some whirring power tool, which kind of felt like drilling. She found some sensitive spots I did not know I had. Unlike the massage man, she stopped when it hurt. Then she used a phone app to translate. She said my teeth were worn and I needed lots of treatment. Although I knew my teeth were worn from clenching, I have hope now because the extra magnesium seems to have stopped the involuntary grip. I went downstairs and paid 60,000 won. Then I took what was left of my money and went to market. I realized it was only 2:30, so the cleaning couldn’t have been more than 15 minutes. In the market, I bought carrots, apples, lettuce, and cherries – at that point all my money was gone. I went back to the base, and restocked my won. I walked home. I was hot and sweaty so I turned on the AC fan. I soaked the lettuce in vinegar water because the lady I bought it from was so bent over that she laid it on the street to get it in the bag. I ate some meat from the crock pot. I checked e-mail, and read a pdf. I did some tapping and sorted laundry and fabric to wash. I saw centipede in the living room and chased it but lost it. I wondered if it came because I turned the fan on. I washed a dark load of clothes and fabric. I researched making pinwheels online, looking for something to use outdoors. I came across duct tape pinwheels. They seemed waterproof, but I did not have duct tape so I made one out of a piece of photo paper and a straw. I did a light load of laundry. I found the photo paper wanted to unfold and pull the pin out of the straw. I wedged it in place hoping time in position would train it to hold the shape. When Chris comes home, I will ask him to replace the printer cartridge and I will try it with photo paper with eyes printed on. That should discourage the birds. I folded clothes and fabric from the dryer and put them away. I took the fabric to the sewing room to iron, but got sidetracked looking at the construction of a blouse. I finished making a pattern from red dress. I refilled the water jugs from the shower filter. I loaded the dishwasher, but it wasn’t full so I didn’t run it. I drank more water and some melatonin. I put a box fan in the front window and opened the guest bedroom window. I wrote up my blog post for the day and went to bed.

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