Sunday, May 22, 2016

Off to a good start

I got up when the alarm went off. I turned on the laptop and drank my quart of water while reading e-mail. I saw an article on 5 stretches that are supposed to make a big difference in 5 days, so I tried them. Then I threw on some clothes to water the plants outside. I also clipped off dead flower heads. I noticed that one of my lettuce bowls is not doing well. I also surprised magpies in my lettuce patch. So I moved the bowls to the fence. The bowls sit nicely on the tops of the posts. But the magpies went after them there and so I moved the bowls to the front porch until I could figure out how to protect them. I did an internet search. One lady used pinwheels and a fake snake. It was worth a try.
I ate my seeds and cranberries, then took a shower to get the coconut oil out of my hair. I got dressed for church and put my phone, etc, in my new red purse. When it was time, I got in Chris’ car and drove to the FFTC to park and walked to the chapel. I sat where Jane and I usually sit and waited for her to arrive. So Young stopped by to tell me her husband was having back problems. I showed her my new bag. Jane sat down and I showed her my new bag. So Young left and Suzanne sat down. I showed her my new bag. She paid me for a thread stand that I gave her Wednesday night. I had forgotten. We sang hymns and passed the peace and had communion and a sermon. Then after the service, Jane had someone take our picture together. She walked to the Korean church while I drove home and changed into pants. I walked to the Korean church where lunch was in progress. I got a plate of food and sat with Jane. We talked and ate. Later we said goodbye because she is going back to the states for the summer. I walked back to base and home. I made breakfast and refilled all of the containers I draw from. I grabbed my new market bag and headed to the commissary. When I was passing Myra’s building, Deron came out and offered me a ride because it was on his way. I shopped for pickled egg ingredients plus ox-tail bones. Nela surprised me as I was picking out bones. She offered me a ride home so I got the heavier package which I would not have wanted to carry on foot. As I was checking out, my credit card was denied so I had to run to the ATM for cash to pay. I rode with Tim and Nela. They stopped by their house so Nela could give me a bottle of sesame oil that she did not want. Then they dropped me off at home. I put the food away and looked up a recipe for pickled red beet eggs for an event in June. While listening to an audio, I boiled 18 eggs and made the pickling juice. But after I put the eggs and the beets in the gallon jar, there was more room left. I made another batch of juice and put the other can of beets in. Still, there was a little more room in the jar so I figured on buying another dozen eggs on Tuesday when the commissary opens again. I meant to mow the lawn, but I read e-mail and got hooked reading responses on Quora. It was an inexplicable waste of time but I could not stop. Well, not for some time. Then I went to Netflix and started watching episodes of ‘House’. That was rather inexplicable too, since he is such a curmudgeon that any hospital in their right mind would have fired him. While I watched, I separated egg shell fragments from their membranes – another inexplicable activity. And then it was time to blog and go to bed.

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