Friday, May 20, 2016

My new bag

I got up soon after the alarm went off. It took a little tapping. I had been awake and trying to do mental programming, but my mind kept wandering off. I turned on the laptop, checked e-mail and did today’s Sudoku puzzle during an audio. I ironed the rest of the fabric, and went back to the computer to get the pattern for a big bag I wanted to make to carry items home from the market. I spent a lot of time deciding which fabrics to use and where to put them in the design. I wanted to use the yellow butterfly on the front with the Hawaiian floral, but nothing I tried made the two go together. I also wanted all the fabrics to be heavier than quilting weight, but my supply is very limited so the fabric on the bottom is from my quilting stash. I took several breaks to eat, just in case it made deciding easier. I also took time to water all the plants outside. I was inspired by a tote tutorial on the net, but decided to add piping and make it reversible so I could use the butterflies on the outside sometimes. When the choices were made, I started cutting and sewing. I told myself that I would stop at 2pm to go to the post office. But I didn’t want to stop sewing then. So I set 3pm as my new deadline. But I was so close to finishing, that I kept sewing. Finally, only topstitching in matching thread remained. Since the post office closes at 4, for time sake, I merely basted the top of the bag. Then I put on a red shirt to match and wore it walking down the road. For once, nobody passed me. Where was everyone when I wanted some attention? I went to the post office hoping for a package, but all I got was mail. Then I went to the commissary. Nela and Kim were stocking a shelf. I showed them my new purse and they really liked it. Then I bought some coconut milk and dates and put them in my new bag. Walking back, I saw Myra out sweeping her porch. I stopped to chat and show her my bag. Her husband showed up for a short while and we talked about going to the temple tomorrow afternoon. Daniele and Thunder stopped by, too. Then I went home. I made a salad for supper. I checked e-mail and listened to a couple of short audios. I sent Chris a list of the bills that came today. I sent some pics to the desktop so I could import them to the kaleidoscope program, but it took forever. The bag I made looked ok with my church dress, but was way too big. So I picked out some fabrics that would go nicely and looked online for a cute but smaller purse pattern. I finally found one, but it did not make sense at first. I printed out the pattern pieces and then I understood. I sewed my chosen fabrics in rows and then cut the pattern pieces out of that. I kept thinking tomorrow was Sunday and I had to have it done tonight. It got very late while I was sewing instead of watching the time. I quickly posted to my blog and went to bed.

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