Sunday, May 15, 2016

Prayer Center Sunday

I expected to wake up early but I went to bed so late, that I slept until after 8. I got up to drink water and read e-mail. I ate some seed crackers. I called Myra at nine like I had promised. I took a shower and got dressed. I called her again when I was ready to leave. I picked her up for church in front of her place. We were half an hour early because the service began at 11 due to set up for the prayer centers. So we sat and talked until 11. Then the chaplain said a prayer and talked about the 13 prayer centers. And we were dismissed. I went outside to the sidewalk chalk center. The sheet taped to the table asked us to draw something that came to mind as we prayerfully considered the questions on the sheet. One of the questions was how can we help the world? So I drew quilt blocks with a heart, a hand, a foot, a bible, lips, and music notes. Then I went to the map. There were stones to put on any spot you chose and you would pray for the people there. I put one on Canada and said a prayer. I went to the Play-doh center. I sculpted a pink flower with green stem and petals, thinking how easily God makes intricate flowers and a simple one was so hard for me to get right. I noticed Myra had come out. We went to the first classroom where there were ribbons to braid while considering relationships in our lives. We each braided ribbons together trying to get the tension right. I wondered about tension in relationships, and if perhaps some tension was necessary for balance. We did not get to the Fruit juices of the spirit table. The chaplain went to the various rooms to call the people back to the sanctuary. He had us talk about what we experienced during the activities and then prayed. I went around taking pics of the prayer centers. I drove Myra home. I drove to our parking space and had quite a time backing into it straight. I ran into Kelly, our next door neighbor (not literally). We had quite a chat. It looked like rain so I went in to change clothes and mow the lawn. I pulled weeds, and planted some of the flowers. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail and listened to audios. I washed some dishes. I cut blue borders for the fish quilt. I laid them down the middle and cut them to that length, then pinned them to the sides. They seemed too big and I wondered if I had done it incorrectly. But I pinned and sewed them to fit. Then it was 10pm and time to blog so I could hit the hay.
* This prayer center was called Fruit Juices of the Spirit *

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