Monday, May 30, 2016

Lettuce hope Chris comes home safely

I refreshed the salt last night after finding a slug in my lettuce. The rain must have washed some of it away. But when I checked in the morning, I found another slug, so not sure how he got in. I played around with a photo of my eye in the kaleidoscope program, hoping to come up with something really disturbing to post in my garden. But when I printed it out, it was too dark.
With nothing to leave the house for, I decided to have a coffee morning. I exercised and rebounded and drybrushed. I listened to audios and tried to meditate. I cleaned in the kitchen. I oiled my hair which gets so dry. I went outside to water my plants and mow the neighbor’s lawn. I drank water to replace the sweat. Then I made and ate breakfast. I looked at more internet videos of necklaces from fabric or ribbon. I came across an article about Kazim Gurbuz, who is 95 but looks 50 and does amazing yoga moves. Myra came over to get her rotary cutter, but did not stay long. I took a shower and washed my hair several times to get all the oil out. Then I got dressed and walked into town to get my weekly massage. I was a little early, but it seemed ok. I sat in the foot bath for awhile, relaxing and drinking whatever tea it was. Usually it is bamboo and so mild as to be essentially tasteless. But today it had a lot of color and flavor. The man gave me the upper back massage. I made another appointment and then I walked home. I started looking at fabric necklaces on Pinterest. I saw a fabric adornment that would look good on my new purse and tried to emulate it. I sewed a strip long sides together, then used a safety pin to turn it right side out. But then I had a heck of a time getting the safety pin out. I sat and handstitched it into shape while listening to an audio. After the audio started to repeat itself, I stopped to make a salad for supper. I ate it at the desktop computer as I finished watching a video from several days ago. It talked about their system for interrupting an emotional state. I was hoping it would help me not be sad when I think of my mom. Chris called to say his second plane was delayed. I played some Helen Reddy songs. Then I downloaded a lighter pic of my eye and made a kaleidoscope of it, intending it to look owl-like. I printed it out. Chris called again to say he was on his way. I picked up fabric from all over the house and put it away. I made the bed somewhat. I put out the food waste for tomorrow since I don’t think we’ll be getting up early. I tried to make more chia/flax mix, but was short on flax. I cut another strip to make ornamentation for the other side of the purse. I stopped to write to my blog so I won’t have to worry about it after Chris gets here.

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