Monday, August 1, 2016

It'll do in a pinch

When I went to bed last night, the room was really dark, but then I noticed a little bit of light from the side window. I turned off the router and slept well. I woke up late. I texted Nela that I wasn’t going. I went outside to swish with activated charcoal. While I was out there, I watered the plants. I came in to check on the bone broth. I vacuumed the fan ports of my laptop before turning it on. I filled the water pitchers from the shower filter. I boiled water for coffee, then exercised, rebounded, and drybrushed. I meditated, and listened to interviews from the summit: elderly patients had on avg of 12 medications. Dr. put them in the hospital and took them off all meds. They inproved. He treats Lyme disease with ozone therapy. It kills parasites too. Memory loss is a symptom not a disease. Find the deficiency or toxicity and treat it, and the memory improves.
Myra called to say she was going out in town to buy white paint. I told her to go ahead but to call me when she was ready to paint. Linda texted me to ask if I wanted watermelon and said she’d like to try the cacao nibs. I put the nibs on the front porch since I wasn’t dressed yet. Jane called to ask about lunch. I told her I was busy today so she is coming tomorrow. I finished up, then cleaned the bathroom sink and kitchen. I made and ate breakfast. I saw a Jerry Seinfield video on clutter. In many ways it was too true to be funny. I listened to more interviews on Alzheimer’s summit: silicon is the natural protectant from aluminum toxicity. Myra called about 2, so I got dressed went over there to paint on the backdrop. It began raining heavily. She drove me to the post office just before it closed. I picked up three packages (and they got wet). She drove me home. I opened the packages, and put some of the stuff away, but did not have space for everything. My apron was still at Myra’s house, so I cut a bag into an apron. I unloaded the crock pot, putting the liquid in jars and the solids in a container. I listened to more interviews: drinking silica-rich mineral water is good. Low grade microbial infections that intensify as our bodies get older and are less able to handle them can cause memory loss. I sucked the liquid out of the bones and sealed them in a ziplock bag which went into the trash. I ate my daily allotment of nuts with coconut butter while reading about cockroach milk. I should have read before I ate. A specific species of cockroach that gives birth to live young secretes milk crystals which contain the full spectrum of amino acids and is a complete food. Something I ate swelled my stomach like a balloon. I watched an episode of Bones while waiting for the discomfort to recede. I checked e-mail again to reduce the number of unread. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.


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