Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Acupuncture AND a massage

I heard my alarm go off but had no wish to get up. I heard Chris take the food waste out and it made me smile because I have been forgetting it for two weeks now. Sometime before 8:30, I got up. I put lime in my water before I drank it. I read e-mail. I rebooted the desktop, hoping it would be faster. I listened to an interview on progress treating Alzheimers. While it played, I did my exercises and drybrushed. The next interview was about the brain. He reminded me to use my Holosync CD's. I paused the video to take a shower. Actually, it paused itself for some unknown reason. I had to refresh the page when I got back from my shower.
I called Myra to see if I could borrow her yoga blocks. We kept talking as I put on my shoes and left the house. But then I realized I hadn't gotten the sheet. So I went back inside to print off another copy. It was a good thing, too, because I had also forgotten my fanny pack. I put it on before I went to Myra's place to borrow her yoga blocks. Then I walked to the bus stop. I caught 317 and actually got off at the right place. The bus was a little early and I got to the office nearly 30 minutes ahead of time. But in 10 minutes, the nurse had me on a bed with the air pump leg massagers. It was the best part. When the doctor showed up, I gave him the sheet I printed out. I asked about which meridiams were too strong and which were too weak. He wrote them down for me, in better handwriting than my own. Only one word was in Korean. He read the symptoms and told me they were from eating the wrong diet. He scanned the list of supplements and foods. He told me matcha tea only added to the hot flashes. Good to know. Then he stuck needles in my leg, stomach, arm and head. And he left. I laid there with the yoga blocks under my thighs, trying to relax. I was relieved when the nurse came to take the needles away. I put my fanny pack back on and paid at the front desk. Same time next week. I headed to the bus stop. I tried to make sense of the bus routes posted on the back. The lady waiting next to me asked “where to?”. I said Navy Base and she indicated 305. Actually I knew that, but was hoping to find other buses that would take me sooner, if not to the base, then to the CU on the corner. But the bus showed up pretty quickly. We both got on. When she got off, she held up fingers to show how many stops until mine. I could not tell if it was 3 or 4. But I knew the stop. From there I went to the corner market to buy sprouts. On a whim, I also bought pomegranates and fermented soybeans. I went back to base and climbed the hill. I ran into Denee coming down. I don't remember what we talking about. Then we each continued on our way. At home, I finished the video from earlier. Then I put some Epsom salt in a container, and a bottle of apricot oil in my market bag. I left our quarters and ran into Denee leaving hers. She was going to pick up her car. The repair shop was on my way so we walked together. Then I left her there and continued on to the Chinese massage place. There was a different guy there. I wanted the foot and body massage, but I only had enough for the back and shoulders. He showed me to a room and left a change of clothes. I put them on. Then the man I usually get walked in the door. I was happy to see him, but apparently he wasn't there for me. He manned the desk while the other man did the massage. He was not as good, but at least he didn't hurt me. After paying, I walked into the market. I went to Daiso for styrofoam balls for our next project. They did not have any. I figured on going to Office Depot next, but happened to pass the little everything office/school/toys store. All I saw were tiny balls, but that was enough for me to hold them up and say “bigger size?” He had to go upstairs, but he did have ornament size ones. I bought 3 packs of two. Then I walked home. I stopped at the ATM for dollars. I checked e-mail again. Then I laid down and listened to a Purrification CD (from Holosync). It was supposed to last an hour, but for some reason near the end, it kept stopping. When it was finished, I got up and saw the daylight was gone. Soon Chris came home from work. I made a salad. I brought in two plates of lettuce from the front porch just in case of front tonight. I looked at postings from a quilt place on Facebook. Then I made myself stop and post a class reminder to our community page for tomorrow. Then Chris and I watched two episodes of House. He went back to his game as I wrote up the events of the day.

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