Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Crafty ladies

I listened to the BWE CD last night. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up with silent headphones on. I took them off and tried to go back to sleep, but I was having RLS sensations. I had to get up and do yoga stretches for awhile. Eventually I went to sleep.
I am not sure when I woke up because consciousness is such a gradual process. It was just after 8 when I got up. Chris was getting dressed for work. He took out the recyclables when he left. I drank a quart of water while reading e-mail. I called Myra but she didn't answer. I got dressed for yoga and called Myra again to be sure she knew about yoga. She said she'd get dressed and come. I bundled up and took my mat to Housing. I turned on all the lights and the heat. Anna showed up a little later. She turned off half of the lights and played with the heat settings. I don't know why. Soon Myra came. Anna was the leader and we did stretches and flows. Myra said the right side of my back was tighter than my left and it was affecting my ability to do yoga. They both rubbed my shoulders and back. It was very nice. We went way over time, what with talking and all. Instead of quitting at 10, I left at 10:45 to get supplies for sewing class, and returned just after 11. Myra and Anna were setting up the room and Ms. Chong was there. Suzanne was not far behind. Ms Cong worked on her binding, then made two Christmas Crackers. I explained about sewing a strip down the center of the square of fabric first, which she did. But she did not stop there. She wrapped it on the tube and tied the ends with ribbon. I did not have a chance to tell her how to sew it on the tube, but she was ok with the way it turned out. Suzanne's little girl pinned scraps of batting together and cut snippets with scissors. I think she's three years old. Not sure what she thought she was making. Suzanne needed bigger batting for her project so I ran home for more. I found some strips that could be pieced together. As I was attempting that, Chris came home for lunch. I decided to do it in class, so I kissed him and went back. The ladies were all talking and they kept on after our scheduled time to leave. So I left them there and went home. I found a birthday card that Chris left for me. It was really sweet. My back hurt, so I laid down on the couch and listened to a BWE CD. I fell asleep and woke up while it was repeating itself. I roused myself to the kitchen for a bite. I made a batch of lip balm, putting some of it in a small jar for Linda's going away present. I washed some tiny containers and filled those for later. But most of it went into jars in the bathroom. I did try coloring a small bit with some red spice. But it was peppery and too strongly flavored to use as lip balm. Then I made and ate breakfast. After eating, I made seed crackers. While they baked, I jotted notes for my blog. Myra texted from the gate. I texted her back, knowing my time was short. I turned off the oven. I looked for my class sample, but could not find it. And then it was time to go.
I arrived at Housing at 6:35. Myra was there with the two Korean ladies that she signs on post for class. Several other people came as well. Anna worked on her folded star Christmas ornament. Kelly and her three daughters came to sew. One proudly showed me three things at the end of the evening that she had made. Actually Myra made two of them and she tied bows on the third. I helped Kayle with a small quilt she wanted to make. Suzanne finished her placemat except for the binding. Another lady finished a folded star potholder except for the binding. The Korean ladies made Christmas crackers and some fabric flowers. There was a lot of cleaning up to do and stuff got put away a little chaotically. But at least everyone pitched in. I got home about 9. I took the seed crackers out of the oven and put them in a bag in the fridge. Then we watched an episode of Castle. Chris went back to his game. I wrote up my blog post for the day.

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