Thursday, November 3, 2016

I know an old lady who swallowed a goat

The sound of the heating unit did not bother me last night, so it was just the hot flashes that kept me awake. Or maybe digesting the goat. Anyway, I was already awake this morning when Chris got frisky... Then the hot flashes went away and he got ready for work. After he left, I was trying to think of reasons worth getting out of bed. It was the thought of the goat that did it. But I made myself drink a quart of water first. I tried to read e-mail, but Yahoo wasn't working on any of the computers. I put on some relaxing music and did today's Sudoku puzzle. By the time I finished, Yahoo was back up. I deleted e-mail, and saw one from my sister about the potholder. So I found the tutorial online and sent it to her. I ate some goat. I read more e-mail. I called Myra. Then I mowed our lawn and the lawn next door. I called Myra again. We agreed to meet at the gym after she got her flu shot. But when she called, she was at the Fun Run which was about to start. She wanted me to come, so I said yes. I was making a Swansons order. I tried to finish order, or at least get it all together. I was sorry to keep Myra waiting, but when I got there, everyone was waiting - all 5 of them. I was given to understand that this constitutes a good turn out. We started off running, but then I had to walk. So she ran ahead and came back. She met me on the trail. She still wanted to run, so she ran all the way back while I walked back a different way. I got there first, and drank some water while waiting. I went back to get her, thinking she was waiting for me but she wasn't far away. We got t-shirts and they took a pic of us with the lady who was in charge.
We went home to eat and shower. I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. No mail. I finished the Swansons order and took a shower. I filled a small container with Epsom salts. I met Myra at the corner. We walked to the FFTC building. She went across the street to Medical to get her flu shot. I went upstairs to sign up and pay for the jewelry making class on Saturday. I met her at Medical. They offered me a flu shot but I declined. Then she went to sign up for the class while I walked out in town for my massage. There was a new lady today - Mrs. Wong. She did a good job and it did not hurt at any time. That was really nice. My watch fell apart while I was changing. The young desk clerk fixed it for me. I made an appointment for next week. I met Myra at what we call the junk shop. We wandered around looking and debating possibilities. I got two spray bottles. She got a coping saw. Back in the street, I looked for apples, but she said to buy them at the market near base. We walked back, passing the Chinese massage place. I had meant to go there, too, but did not want to ditch Myra. When we got to the near market, the apples were more expensive. I got some sprouts instead. Myra got tomatoes. We went back on base. We talked about going to the acupuncturist tomorrow. When we got to Myra's house, Kelly drove by. I gave her a container of lip balm. I went home. I was writing a to-do list when Chris called. He asked if a lady could stay with us during her visit because the motel on post was under renovation. I said yes. Then I called Jane to ask about how often the bus to Home Depot comes by. She said every 7 to 10 minutes (that hasn't been my experience). I did the Day 4 meditation with Oprah and Deepak. I made a big salad for supper and read e-mail. Chris came home and made himself supper. I researched diffusers on Amazon. I made mouthwash with essential oils and minerals. I did tomrrow's puzzle. Then we watched two episodes of House, but had to pause it 6 minutes before the end. Chris listened in on a group call for an hour. Then we finished the episode. I blogged and went to bed.
* 'Fun' and 'Run' should not be in the same sentence. But at least I got this shirt. *

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