Monday, November 7, 2016

Testing the instruments

I made a reed diffuser using the vodka. I set it by my bed. I woke up while it was still dark and watched the daylight appear. I was up by 8 for a coffee morning. It always gives me the urge to clean, but today the feeling arrived before the coffee was ready. While I swished, I folded the dark laundry and swept the floor. I drank lemon water while I read e-mail. After the exercising, rebounding, meditating, and tapping, I cleaned the kitchen. I made breakfast. I noticed that the sun was blocked by the curtain. I considered bubble wrap because the light would come through but not coherently. But it would look bad from the outside. I ate breakfast. I listened to an audio on menopause. I read that commercial battery chargers recharge to half a percent less each time as part of planned obsolescence. The site had plans so you could build your own battery charger. I re-pinned the curtain so it would not lay flat on the window. It did not look any better but it might blur images behind it at night. I got dressed and went to the post office. They gave me four packages. Then I went to the school to meet Mr. Sharpe. We went through the donated instruments together. They needed slide or valve oil and reeds. When I got home, I opened three packages. I installed the new light bulb in my HappyLight. I listened to two audios on Foundation training while doing today's puzzle. Chin back, chest forward, it said. I watched the untold story of Bewitched on Youtube. I made a salad, and put the food waste by the door for tomorrow. I ate two figs, and a persimmon. I looked high and low for a piece of fabric, gave up, then decided to sew on my fanny pack. I tried to melt the fraying edges with a lighter but it didn't melt. Looking for a black patch, I found the fabric I was looking for. But it was brown. I used dark purple instead. I had just pinned it in place, about to take the first stitch, when Skype rang. It was Chris. I answered on the desktop. The video wasn't good. He wanted me to open his package so he would know what it was. After we talked, I got on my laptop and listened to an audio from the next fat summit while playing solitaire on line. Windows 10 doesn't come with Free Cell or Solitaire. Then it was time to go to bed.

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