Saturday, November 12, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Fall

I had finally gotten to sleep last night, when Chris came to bed. It was almost daylight. Jetlag is a pain for both of us. I got up at 9. I read e-mail and drank water. I put on an audio and did my exercises, drybrushed, and rebounded. Then came the yoga stretches and planks. I asked Chris to write a check so I could get cash from the bank to exchange in town on Monday. It was around noon when I called Myra. I wanted to go walking in the sunshine. But she was out with her husband. So I texted Denee, but she wanted to wait until tomorrow for the 5-day market. I psyched myself up to go alone. I walked down to the front gate and proceeded straight ahead, passing the girl's high school. There were large banners announcing something. I wondered if it was the art fair we heard about last week. But I continued on. I passed a shop selling pomegranates. They were $3.50 each but I really wanted one. I passed a CU store. I went in and put $10 on my bus card. From there I walked across the bridge to the big GS25. I found my way to Office Depot. Upstairs was the craft section. At first all I saw was felt on a roll and there was no one to cut it for me. But then I found it by the sheet: large sheets for 0.80. I bought 7 colors. Victorious, I walked back to base. I stopped at the ATM for won for the 5 day market. I decided to go by the bank to see what their hours were. I was surprised to see that they were open. I deposited the check Chris gave me and took out some cash. The lady remarked that it was a cold day. I told her I thought it was hot. I walked home, to find Chris getting the laundry started and emtying the dishwasher. Then he left for the office. I read e-mail and made breakfast. I kept the laundry going. I watched a documentary. (actually I listened to it while I played Mahjongg which is a Windows95 game) I watched a news show about President-elect Trump. Chris came back from the office. He made onion soup. He helped me change out the shower filter. He packed for his trip to Singapore. Later I ate some soup. I looked at turkey crafts on Pinterest. I looked at healthy desserts. Then we watched 2 episodes of House. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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