Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Khaki-giving ran out of food.

I got up some time after the alarm and got the recyclables out to the street just after 8. I read e-mail, and drank water. I exercised, and then ate seed crackers and goat meat. I called Myra to see if she needed help, but she was about to take a shower. She said the food all done, and she had cooked and mashed another large pot of potatoes. I listened to a podcast on the dangers of 5g technology. I listened to an interview from the Fat Summit as I did two Sudoku puzzles. I made a rod pocket in one of the curtain panels. At 11 I went to sewing class with my QOV. I turned on all the lights and the heat. I got out a table and sat down to work on the binding of the quilt. Presently Chantal came in with her baby girl and then Suzanne with her little girl. As I worked on the quilt binding, they worked on folded star potholders. But the kids interrupted them often. Then Suzanne left to give Anna a ride to the pavillion to take her contribution to khakigiving. While she was gone, her little girl found a pair of scissors and started cutting up her project. We rescued it as best we could. Suzanne came back with a plate of food and told us (Chantal and me) to go get some food. It sounded like there was plenty so we went. But the plates had run out. Chantal and I split a foam tray. There was some of Anna's turkey and Myra's ham. The potatoes were gone (all 60 pounds that Myra cooked), but there remained a little salad. There was lots of pies and cookies and such, but those I did not touch. We got some food to take back to Housing since the seating area at the pavilion was quite full. We ate when we got back. Then we continued sewing. Anna came in after the pavillion was cleaned up. Then I realized that Roundup was at 2. Anna wanted to go AND she wanted to take Chantal's baby. So we walked together toward the theatre. But when we got close, the baby realized that mommy was not there and began to cry loudly. So Anna went back and I went to Roundup. I sat beside Myra and settled in to hear the schedule. At some point Anna came in with the baby, but had to leave when the little girl started crying again. The CSO announced that I was in the talent show. Um, maybe not. After the meeting, I went to the post office to check the mail. Because tomorrow and Friday are training holidays (why?), there will be no mail again until Monday. There was a package from Swansons. I took it home and opened it. I checked e-mail. I tried to put the rod in the curtain pocket, but the pocket was too small. I sewed another line, and ripped the first one out while listening to another audio. I put the rod in the larger pocket and wedged the rod in the window. I made a mental note to get another tension rod. I made and ate breakfast just before heading to sewing class. I was early, but Myra and Kelly were right behind me. Chantal and Suzanne had cleaned up from earlier. We turned on the lights and brought out more tables and machines. I tried to get people started on their projects but stuff was missing, like someone's project in progress and the bag of stuffing. The fabric bins were in disarray. Amber had taken Jadyn's project home so he needed a new one. He decided to make a Christmas tree pin cushion. So I helped him, not quite knowing the best way to do it. I also helped Kelly to make a potholder since the mitt pattern she wanted was at Myra's house. I had to rethread several machines, not quite knowing how the thread kept jumping out of its pathway. My watch fell off my wrist. I ran home to get some stuffing for Jadyn's pincushion. After he stuffed it, I sewed it shut on one of the machines. Then I started organizing the fabric. I did not get finished before it was time to close up. Some ladies stayed to help and sweep up. At the end, Myra handed me the iron Mari had donated and I put it in the closet. I walked home. I found a movie from Netflix called Inside Out. But there was no DVD (or CD) player in my new laptop. So I tried it in my old laptop, but I had to take out the Linux CD and then it wouldn't work. So I watched the movie on the TV using the DVD player. It was pretty good for an animated film. But my computer must have rebooted while it was playing and it lost my notes for the day. I wondered how well I could reconstruct my day. I guess I will never know. The movie replayed itself as I wrote up this post.

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