Saturday, November 5, 2016

Jewelry Class

This morning when I realized the blower was off, and had just come back on, I knew that the power had been out. That meant it was later than I thought. I got up to check the time - almost 9. I got dressed and went out to water the plants, enjoying another day of sunshine. I pulled out errant mint. I used some of it to make mint tea. Then I sat in the sunshine on my couch to read e-mail. I read about the amazing results of an experiment exposing seeds to an electrostatic field, rendering the GMO process unnecessary as were pesticides and herbicides. The research was being done by a Swiss pharmaceutical company who patented the process and dropped the research in 1992. Look up Dr. Guido Ebner (now deceased). I did today's puzzle. I made up a batch of supplements for the next 10 days. I made and ate breakfast. I ran to class, but it hadn't started yet. We sat at tables with what looked like petri dishes of wet colored sand. But first we picked out our two project bases. Our choices included necklaces, bracelets, key chains and brooches. I chose two necklaces.
We were given convex forms which fit the bases. We 'painted' them with wet sand. Then we placed tiny chunks of colored glass on top of the wet sand. The ladies, who were artists from a museum, touched up our projects and then baked them in an extremely hot oven that looked like a bank safe. When the glass came out and cooled, the ladies filed away the sandy edges so they would fit in the bases. Then the glass went back into the oven. After it cooled again, we were allowed to glue it into the bases. I used colored glass chunks for both of mine, but some people used the milifiora glass (which looked like perler beads to me). Since there were bi-lingual people there, Myra went home to get the flyers we were given yesterday. One was for an event that was over at the same time class ended. The other was for an event next week. I took my projects and went home to be with Chris on his last day. But he was gone. I figured he was at the commissary but he was at work. I ate some of the goat. I read about yoga for insomnia and hot flashes. I read e-mail until I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was almost 5. Thinking the Nex closed at 5, I grabbed an apple to eat on the walk there. I saw Chris enter the commissary just as I was getting to the building. I went down to the Nex, looking for a small bottle of vodka for one of my essential oil experiments. The small bottles of straight vodka were sold out. I chose one of flavored vodka even though it was 4x the price. But at the checkout counter, I realized I did not have my ID or my wallet. I went to the commissary to get Chris but he had already left. I walked home and found Chris doing laundry. He said he had called me from the commissary but my phone was at home. We drove back to the Nex and got the cheapest large bottle of vodka. Actually it wasn't that much more than the tiny flavored one. I had something to eat. I read e-mail and articles on the lesser omentum. Does it actually DO anything? How can it not be working? When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of House. Chris brought out his suitcase for the taxi at 4:30. Then he went to bed. I wrote to my blog and then joined him.
* Before and after the melting process *

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