Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Peelings..., nothing more than...peelings...

It was little after 8 when I got up to take out the food waste. As I was coming back to the house, the food waste truck came along and picked it up. I read e-mail and drank a quart of water. I ate some seed crackers. I did some lymph exercises and drybrushed. I ate some goat meat. I rubbed my body with apricot kernel oil. I did not do the bottoms of my feet because then I would leave oily spots wherever I went. But my hands were oily so I could not touch anything. I dried my hands in my hair. I called Myra and we decided to go walking. So I took a shower. When I got dressed, I looked for my fanny pack. It was still in the sewing room so I quickly stitched it. I was ready to go when Myra arrived. We walked half the trail and came back down on the road. We went to the gym to weigh ourselves. Then she went home to get ready for a meeting and I went to the post office. I got up on a stool to look in my box. There was nothing there, so I did not bother opening it. On the way home, I stopped by the commissary to look for sesame seeds. They were still out. The Korean lady who stocks the shelves offered to bring me some from home. I thanked her but said I could wait for it to come in. I walked home. I ate a tomato. Using a trowel like a pick ax, I created a hole in the side flower bed. I planted the blueberry bush in it. I moved the potted plants from the porch to nestle in the flowerbeds between plants. I did not want them to freeze overnight. I put the papaya plant in a bigger pot. I watched Youtube videos on waheguru meditations. Nearly put me to sleep. I called Myra to see if she was ready to peel potatoes. She was at the commissary picking them up. 30 minutes later she said she'd be home in 10 minutes. So, I put an extra line of stitching in my fanny pack. I played my trombone and then walked to her place. I met her as she was carrying groceries from her car. So I helped with that. I had gone over there because I felt sorry for her having to peel 30 lbs of potatoes. When she showed me the 100 lbs they gave her to make potato salad and mashed potatoes, I felt sorry for me. I washed about 20 lbs of potates while she put her groceries away. Then we sat outside to peel them. Her husband came home from work and brought more potatoes in from the car. Then we went in. I washed red potatoes and we cut them into chunks for potato salad. She was getting ready to cook supper, so I went home. I ate my daily dose of nuts. I checked the latest e-mail. I looked at pin cushions on Pinterest, especially cupcake ones as a possible class project. I ate a persimmon. Then I watched a bunch of Scrubs episodes. And with that, it was time to post and go to bed.
* I hope it won't freeze tonight. *

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